Fat Loss Nutrition vs Dieting - Do you know the - TopicsExpress


Fat Loss Nutrition vs Dieting - Do you know the difference? (and if you get it please SHARE this!) Obesity has doubled in the last 10 years, in spite of the fact we are being reminded... on an almost daily basis... that we should be EATING LESS and EXERCISING MORE. We know this. We try this. It works... for a little while... Then we QUIT and we BINGE. No... we QUIT and we BINGE and we GET FATTER. The obesity epidemic is out of control because the solution we all turn to for weight loss... EATING LESS and EXERCISING MORE... is the very behaviour which our body recognises as famine. Think about it. When a famine arrives we are forced to EAT LESS (because food supplies are limited) and EXERCISE MORE (trying to find more food). When a diet arrives we force ourselves to EAT LESS (reduce our calorie intake) and EXERCISE MORE (spend hours on the treadmill). The bodys response to famine and dieting? To release hormones which increase our appetite and encourage binge eating behaviour... so that when we do find food (or have access to food), we OVEREAT and convert it to life saving bodyfat. Nobody becomes obese without binge eating. Nobody binge eats, unless their body is STARVING. So when you understand binge eating from an evolutionary perspective, you understand that it is an adaptive response to a nutrient scarce (famine) environment. And when theres a famine, we eat less often (frequency), we eat smaller portions (quantity), we eat whatever we can find (quality). Binge eating hormones are therefore triggered by three factors... 1. Reduced meal FREQUENCY. 2. Reduced food QUANTITY. 3. Reduced food QUALITY. Binge eating is a response to UNDERNOURISHMENT. So what hope do we have of tackling obesity, if every diet... every slimming club... every weight loss plan... every piece of government health advice... is telling us to eat in a way that deprives our body of nutrition and encourages binge eating? Because youve been there... done that.. havent you? Started the diet... joined the gym... seen your appetite go through the roof... had a massive binge and QUIT. And not just quit... continued to binge eat... because youre anxious about the prospect of starting the next diet... so you ram as much junk down while you still can. Fat loss nutrition is all about REVERSING this process... 1. Increased meal FREQUENCY. 2. Increased food QUANTITY. 3. Increased food QUALITY. When you body is fed and nourished, appetite is reduced and binge eating behaviour stops. Insulin levels are reduced, insulin sensitivity is increased and the body starts tapping into those fat stores. So the difference between fat loss nutrition and dieting? Dieting is all about STARVING your body. Fat Loss Nutrition is all about FUELLING your body. Because when you think about it... and understand obesity as a famine survival response... why would your body need excess fat, if its getting all the fuel and nutrients it needs from the food you eat? This is why the leanest people on the planet... athletes and fitness models... think in terms of fat loss nutrition, not dieting. They work hard to deliver MAXIMUM NUTRITION to their body, which gives the body the green light to burn fat. Dieters restrict what they eat... skip meals to save calories... swap real food for low-calorie shakes... then wonder why they cant control their binge eating... why they binge at night, at weekends, on holidays... and why their body is holding on to all that fat. Because it is STARVING people!! If you want a leaner body... FEED IT! Want to learn more about fat loss nutrition? Join us on Nutrition Ninja! For just £1 a day well be teaching you all the science and secrets to get you eating like an athlete! Sign up at >> rebelfit.co.uk/ninja.htm
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:58:33 +0000

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