Father, Raise the stones to life December 29, 2013 at - TopicsExpress


Father, Raise the stones to life December 29, 2013 at 11:24am Father, raise the Stones to life, let the heart of stone beat for your purpose, give them breath, let the dead come alive, that their old ways are gone, and forgotten, and stay buried...... Let us not slip off that narrow path.... let us stay on solid ground.... Please, dont let us fall off the path.... and bring back the Lost... Have us put on your Armor on our body to fight against the evils of this World....... let your Armor be so bright that evil will see your face and flee..... because, even the satan and his demons believe in you Lord, and they Tremble.... Give us strength to put you ALWAYS FIRST in our lives.... let us hear YOUR words Lord.... only YOUR words, let us recognize the wolves...... cast them out in your name from the sheep..... let us recognize them by their fruits, no matter how beautiful they come across, if their fruit is bad, the smell is worse, Please give us the strength to rebuke them in your name Lord.... and cast them aside..... Let us lay down in Green pastures, and not dead wood where the thorns are..... Let us NOT be as the religion of this world, let us NOT be religious, but, let us have you Lord and only you in our lives...... full on, not wavering..... not wandering..... let us NOT return to this World and the things that are in the World.... we are in the World Lord, but not of the World.... Give us the Strength to repent daily Lord, and Give us the strength to forgive every day, that we may be forgiven.... Give us the Strength every day, every minute of every day, to live as you would Lord, let your light shine through us so bright that night time will look like its day.... Please remove ALL types of hate from us, fill our bodys with love.... Please help us produce good fruit..... because a good tree, cannot bear bad fruit.... I pray that none of us will be cut down and thrown into the fire, as it is with a bad tree that also produces bad fruit.... I know we are in this world, and we still sin, by your Grace, through Faith, we are forgiven, we are saved..... by the Blood of the Lamb.... when the Holy Spirit is convicting us of our sins, help us to recognize it and repent...... weigh heavy on our conscience and our hearts.... that we be found overcoming in that GREAT day of your RETURN..... Help us Love as you do Father, Help us stand firm in your word.... guide those who are confused, revile to us, what we need to know... keep us on that straight and narrow path...... help us to recognize the ones you have called so we dont cast our pearls before swine...... your words Father, never get back to you void..... Please give us the strength, to hold fast on your words, help us to hold fast on faith.... your Faith Father...... your love.... your Word.... Not every one that says LORD LORD, with enter into the Kingdom of Heaven....... Please Father, help us to do the Will of the Father, who is in Heaven, that we will be found worthy to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.... Help us have trust and Faith in you Lord.... Let us NOT Judge, but, walk in your light..... Help us not get angry, but only your love shine through us.... Please please, Forgive us of ALL our wrongs.... Let us truly be your disciples..... your Children...... your true people.... Let us be as you are, let us walk with you, keep us strong in you and for you.... please keep out lamps full, and your light burning bright.... and be ready 24x7 for your return........ Do your work in us LORD.... use us, mold us, for your purpose.... that we be your humbled servant....... In Jesus Name.....
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 04:01:26 +0000

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