Father, we come into Your gates with thanksgiving in our hearts - TopicsExpress


Father, we come into Your gates with thanksgiving in our hearts and into Your courts with praise. We thank You that we can come boldly before Your throne and receive mercy and find grace in our time of need. With that privilege, we can to You with our greatest burden and our smallest need. As we think about our greatest burdens, so often it is loved ones who are lost or are not walking with You. As we come before Your throne today we come on behalf of those who have sons and daughters who are prodigals. We pray that even as the prodigal came to his senses in the pigpen we pray they would have a pigpen experience and return to You. Many have brothers and sisters that are on their heart. Lord, draw them. You are not willing that any should perish. There is someone with an uncle that they dearly love who is trusting in his own goodness and as good as he is, they know he is lost. Many are deceived into thinking their life is put on a scale and if their good works tilt the scale, they make it in. Open eyes, Lord, that they may see it is not works of righteousness that they have done, but it is receiving by faith what Christ has done. If salvation were by works we could boast; it is grace through faith, nothing we can earn, but Your gift to be received. May they understand that they cannot be good enough, but it is a matter of trusting Him who was. We pray that someone reading this prayer today would get that revelation and be saved. We bring our burden of lost loved ones to You knowing that Your love for them is greater than our own. We pray this prayer with thanksgiving believing that You hear our prayers. In Jesus name and for His sake, amen.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 12:31:24 +0000

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