February 17 Zodiac As an Aquarius born on February 17th, your - TopicsExpress


February 17 Zodiac As an Aquarius born on February 17th, your personality is characterized by a romanticism, impulsiveness, and charm. A romantic at heart, above all, you enjoy giving and receiving love. As a result of this quality, you have had many close relationships, but your impulsiveness makes it easy for you to fall in and out of love. Socially, you display the same warmth and passion. Your innate charm and mystery has earned you many admirers. You would be surprised to know that even your closest friends still find you a bit mysterious. February 17 Element Air is your signs paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only fixed connection with the element. Your special relationship with air allows you to take on the qualities of forceful wind, determined and stubborn. Much like the other air signs, you witness gentle breezes of curiosity stirring within your being. When something sparks your interest, you push towards understanding and knowledge. While airs active qualities are an asset, you must be aware of airs stagnant influences, which include bouts of aloofness and emotional distance. February 17 Planetary Influence Uranus is the ruling planet of the Aquarius, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, Venus lends you a generous amount of its planetary power as well. While Uranus, the planet of deviation, is linked to your free spirit and individuality, it is Venuss influence that links to your sociability and appreciation of beauty. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more sensitive than any of the Aquarius Decans. This quality allows you express love for family and close friends unconditionally with great passion. If you had one downfall, it would be that your passion makes you think before you act at times. While keeping interest will always be a challenge in your life, embrace your spontaneity as it will bring you many worthwhile experiences. February 17 Career Original and passionate, your natural abilities are well-suited for a variety of careers. Your compassion and charm may translate into a successful career as a teacher, lecturer or counselor. On the other hand, your determination may be a perfect fit for the demanding fields of business, media or promotion. With a high need for adventure, the world of entertainment may be too alluring to ignore. If this is the case, you be doing well in television or film, which was the case for Larry the Cable Guy, who was also born on February 17th. In whichever career you choose, adopt the commitment to greatness of Michael Jordan, another of your celebrity birthday twins. February 17 Sabian Symbol The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. The symbol of the butterfly connects to the importance of metamorphosis. By altering your everyday living and relationships, you have the power to completely transform your character and consciousness.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 12:10:07 +0000

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