Fellow Kenyans, during this time of the year it is customary to - TopicsExpress


Fellow Kenyans, during this time of the year it is customary to congratulate and wish each other well. This should also be time to take stock of the successes we have achieved during the year, no matter how small we may think they are, and chart a course that will lead us to prosperity. We have already left our 2014 footprints behind and it is now time to focus on our direction for 2015. Not everything is measured in monetary terms. Are you healthy? Were you blessed with a new addition to the family? Did you achieve another milestone in your education? Do you continue to have food, clothing and shelter? Some of these things, you often take for granted are triumphs in their own right and constitute abundance that the Almighty has blessed you with. Do not take these for granted for there are billions on our planet who would give anything to be in your shoes, no matter how tattered you think they are. Who knows what 2015 will bring. Use the last few days of 2014 to reflect on how you will rise to the challenges of the new year and ensure that one year from today, not only are you a better person but, that those around you draw inspiration from the positive energy that you exude. The team at Zuri Investments wishes you all a festive season of wonderful enjoyment and a 2015 full of personal fulfillment and abundance.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 11:47:33 +0000

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