Feminists nowadays be like When a man eats, it is called rape - TopicsExpress


Feminists nowadays be like When a man eats, it is called rape culture and continues to rape oppressed women worldwide. When a man eats, he is passive-aggressively representing his violent male dominance by eating more than the oppressed woman, causing the woman to subconsciously be scared for her safety. She then eats less in fear of her safety as a sign of submissiveness and fully represents her oppression. The man then looks over at the woman in the restaurant. Men looking at women is rape and misogyny and racism and terrorism you guise. #yesallwomen #StopMaleDominance #MalePatriarchy #VoteMaleCastration #HeForShe
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:53:27 +0000

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