Finally, the book of secrets is published. The book is based on - TopicsExpress


Finally, the book of secrets is published. The book is based on real intelligence from inside State House, recordings and scholarly research. It explains what the world would never know, Joyce Bandas lies and crimes, and the fragility of Malawis democracy. Title: The Rise and Fall of Joyce Banda Author: Eric Voeglin Publisher: New Delhi Publishers Year: 2014 Pages: 392 Contents 1. A Ladder of Lies to Power (Joyce Bandas resume and life and she pulled strings to create an economic crisis for Bingu, how the media created lies and public anger) 2. A National Tragedy (how Bingu died and how Joyce Banda diverted public attention to an offside enquiry instead of investigating what exactly killed Bingu) 3. The Making of a President (drama behind the scenes before and after swearing in -- how she suffered acute crisis of confidence) 3. Crafting the Power Axis (how the president consolidated power by buying loyalty and support) 4. The Genesis of Cashgate (inside classfied recordings of how national plunder was conceived) 5. The Network (from State House, Capital Hill, Reserve Bank and the Lutepos of this world) 6. Tangles and Traps of Power (how Joyce Banda plotted out her campaign to eliminate Peter Mutharika) 7. The Resignation -- the Untold Story (how Joyce Bandas letter of resignation came into being and how a series of scapegoats were invented to cover up the truth of her resignation) 8. Missing in Flight (how Malawis jet was stollen and how the truth was covered) 9. Mercenaries and Vultures (how the PR machinery was assembled and how the world including local diplomats were fooled into believing that Joyce Banda was a woman of the people and that she would win elections) 10. Myth and Reality of Rigging (how Joyce Banda hired rigging mercenaries, how she set her tally centre and how it was blown up, how she snatched airtel phones that never worked and she reinveted the story of rigging) 11. Days after Elections: How Rigging Never Happened (how she declared a hidden war for Mutharika never to swear in, the hitlist she prepared and how her secret service was mobilised to kill those who had foiled her rigging, how Chakwera worked with Joyce Banda to grab the presidency, how she plotted with the top millitary to throw the country in chaos and how the move backfired and how she was forced to leave State House) 12. Conclusion: The Fragility of an African Democracy (a summary analysis of how Malawians are lied to and evaluation of evidence)
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:13:58 +0000

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