Find a way to succeed. Sounds simply, correct? Yet, the bottom - TopicsExpress


Find a way to succeed. Sounds simply, correct? Yet, the bottom line when it comes to competition is getting your hand raised. By hook or by crook, you need to be able to compete in areas where you may have failed before. There comes a time when all of the coaching cues and motivational speeches have to be put aside. Find a way to score when youre down by two with short time on the clock. Find a way to stop your opponents go to move when theyre on top and looking for a pin. Find a way to fight through multiple overtime periods and win the match when you feel like you have absolutely no energy left to spare. This is the mental and emotional side of the sport that can be hard for many to manage. We, as coaches and parents, can push and prod our kids to do certain things but in reality all of the spark must come from the kid. The goals and aspirations theyve set is ultimately what they will strive for and work towards. Kids are very flexible in what they say they want to do. One day, they will take on the world while another day they question their ability to compete. Theyre fragile in a way that can frustrate a coach or parent. YOU see greater things for them then they see for themselves. Thats why I firmly feel that the upcoming tournaments will crown not only the most technical kids but those that are stronger deep in their souls. Conviction is a powerful tool. For me, as a wrestler and coach, conviction is what separates the would be challenger from the champion. You can see it in their eyes, in how they move toward the mat, and how they prepare for battle. There are no holes in their approach to competition. There is no wishing in their game. The blinders have been firmly attached and the mission has been engrained in their minds. This is the approach that will win close matches. The battle is won or lost in that space six inches between your ears. Finding a way to succeed takes conviction and purpose so strong that, regardless of the situation, success is the only course. It begins for many in less than two days. Dont worry about the physical stuff, youre more than ready to compete against any type of opponent. Dont question your technique as youve honed your skills through countless hours of drilling and wrestling. What you need to do from here on in is stay true to your goals and know that you, and you alone, hold the key to success in any situation. Committed with conviction, your inner strength defines you. Now is the time to find a way to succeed! Tomorrows workout: 10-20-30-40-50 pull-ups push-ups squats (bodyweight) technique: 10-20-30-40-50 down-block circle 180 degrees sprawl re-shot
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 10:57:37 +0000

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