Finding a permanent solution to the shortage of teachers in Ira - TopicsExpress


Finding a permanent solution to the shortage of teachers in Ira Grammar In the interim we should all do as much as we can to abridge the problem of shortage of teachers in Ira Grammar School. What is needed as most people have rightly pointed out is a permanent solution to the problem. I am sure that our politicians and representatives from ward level to LG, State and Federal levels are not doing enough and we are not well represented, to be honest. It seems to me they are more concern about themselves rather than solving our collective problems. I have no other options than to take the matter into my own hands. One of the reasons why we are educated is to fight/ask for our rights. The first thing I will do is to make sure that there is a shortage of 7 teachers in Ira Grammar School. If anyone is working in Ira Grammar School or anyone is privy to any useful information to collaborate the lack of 7 teachers please inbox me the information. Before any action can be taken I want to be absolutely sure that Ira Grammar School is lacking 7 teachers! FIRST STEP: I will write to the Governor of Kwara State asking for the reasons why other secondary and grammar schools will have adequate teachers and why our is not; or why secondary schools in Kwara State have no adequate teachers if that is the case after our investigation. I will also plead with him to use his good offices to address the issue in our community as quickly as possible. I will copy the Minister for Education and some other people in civil societies in Nigeria and Geneva. I will courier it so that the Governor and Minister of Education cannot deny of not receiving my letter. I will give them 3 months to look into the issue, ask for acknowledgement of my letter and letter detailing the actions they have taken to redress the situation. SECOND STEP: If after three months there is nothing tangible done I will write to the President with the copy of my letter to the Governor and the Minister of Education. Hopefully something will be done at Presidency level. THIRD STEP: At present, I am working with an organisation in Finland (name withheld) to see if as a last resort we can take our case to the United Nation for crime against humanity. The organisation is very keen about the background of our plight. The organisation and I are jointly exploring grounds under the Universal Declaration of Human Right, Declaration of the Rights of the Child and many other rights under the UN charters. It is obvious that the right to education is a fundamental human right as stated in article 26 as adopted in 1948. The rights to a free elementary education are irrespective of race, gender, nationality, ethnic or social origin, religion or political preference, age or disability. Article 26 states that "Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. …" (Article 26). The article also touches on access to education, quality of education etc. I have no doubt that we have a good ground to take our case to the UN but I hope it will not go to that level. As I have said, we would go on the part of dialogue and if that doesn’t work will result to UN route. We know our right as educated elites and we are ready to use our knowledge and wisdom to ask for our people’s basic right as enshrined in the UN charter. I am sure it will be cheaper for the Kwara State government to get us well qualified teachers in Ira Grammar School rather than disgracing itself and Federal Government globally. If they want us to wash their dirty linen in the open/public I wouldn’t mind. I had written to President Obasanjo and President Jonathan before. The SSS I learnt came to ask if I was truly from Ira during Obasanjo administration. Before my father could come down from the stairs they have gone. I later told my father from his description that they are likely to be SSS because I wrote a powerful letter to Obasanjo. President Jonathan (presidency) replied to my letter and forwarded it to appropriate quarters. I continue to repeat that all these people are not in any way better than us or superior to us. They are there to serve us not to enrich themselves. At minimum we want a better future for the youth of Ira who cannot afford to go to private secondary school or military secondary school or study abroad. I will make sure we use all legal avenues to get this done and done on time. Ira koni baje ooo!
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 19:46:33 +0000

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