First, Eve “saw.” The Serpent fastened Eve’s gaze upon the - TopicsExpress


First, Eve “saw.” The Serpent fastened Eve’s gaze upon the desired object. Soon she could not take her eyes off it. A large percentage of temptation comes to us through our eyes. Satan’s plan was to turn the look into a lust. Next, she “took.” Now the plan was to turn the desire into a deed. That had to be Eve’s decision. Satan can persuade but he cannot push. He could suggest to the Lord, for instance, that He throw Himself down from the temple pinnacle; but he could not push Him down. Then, she “did eat.” Now the plan was to turn the choice into a chain. Jesus said, “Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin” (John 8:34). Habits grow. They are flimsy enough at first, but each time we repeat the deed, the power of the habit is increased, until the habit itself takes over the will and we find ourselves in chains. Finally, she “gave.” That was the ultimate goal. The sinner became a seducer. It is significant that the Serpent did not tempt Adam; Eve did. Thus sin entered the world and death by sin (Rom. 5:12). The fall was complete. Satan had won. Death reigned. Satan had won? Not forever! For Jesus came, and the Serpent was no match for Him. His little bag of tricks was scorned by Christ. Satan lost, and now he lives in terror of the return from heaven of the victorious Christ. And well he should.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 12:15:09 +0000

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