First, I want to apologize for the lack of updates over the last - TopicsExpress


First, I want to apologize for the lack of updates over the last few days.. Physical Therapy for both boys went really well on Friday.. Cullen was good and wore out as was Wyatt.. Cullen has improved in a few areas since he was seen in the High Risk clinic about 6 weeks ago.. He still needs to work on tummy time but in other areas he has advanced some.. So thankful for this.. Wyatt was put on the treadmill at Therapy and though he didnt want to do it and whined just about the entire time he walked for over 7 minutes. We will be doing this during every therapy session until he starts walking on his own.. His therapist agrees with Michael and I that it isnt that Wyatt lack the confidence, or the ability, he just doesnt want to do it.. haha, rotten boy.. Cullen also saw speech to do his final in office PMV trial.. He did well and though he cried, it was an amazing sound after not hearing his voice for several months now.. We are doing short trials every day and will be seeing the speech pathologist again on Thursday afternoon so that she can see how he is doing with it.. He did pretty well last night, and did even better tonight while wearing it.. We are only doing 5 to 10 minutes at a time right now but will slowly go up on the time during the day.. I will try and get videos posted of the Wyatt on the treadmill and with Cullen wearing the PMV.. (I tried to share them to the page last night and for whatever reason it wouldnt work) Ill try again soon.. Thank you all for your love, prayers and support.. We have another busy week next week.. Monday Cullen sees Endocrine, Wednesday Cullen and Wyatt both see Pulmonology and Cullen sees Speech and his pediatrician on Thursday and of course the home nurse comes on Tuesday evening and Friday evening.. (Maybe one day, things will slow back down again) Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.. Ill try to update tomorrow..
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 23:03:31 +0000

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