First Vita Plus Process of Healing Crisis! Lets take a look at - TopicsExpress


First Vita Plus Process of Healing Crisis! Lets take a look at how this healing crisis process make our health better and stronger. Continued drinking First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink will help our body to flush out accumulated toxins inside our circulatory system, some users at this process may feel to urinate frequently, irregular bowel movement,sweating or even vomiting, headache,dizziness dont be scared it only prove that First Vita Plus is repairing and cleaning your system, just continue drinking it, if your taking it once a day make it twice, or if your taking it twice a day make it three times a day dont worry there is no overdose in drinking First Vita Plus because it is made from vegetables that will help your body to flush out toxins fast and that will make you better. Once those signs are gone they are totally gone and that your body is taking its next stage of healing, it will balance the hormonal imbalances in your system that will make your immune system stronger to fight infection causing diseases. If you have chronic disease like Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Diabetes 1.) High Blood Pressure/Heart Disease- FirstVita Plus will help to lower your High Blood Pressure by flushing out excess sodium in your blood and burn fats in your veins to make your blood circulation good, and thiswill help your heart to lessen the pressure in pumping blood to your circulatory system in this condition your heart will gradually recover to its normal condition. 2.)Cancer- First Vita Plus can help prevent and fight cancer cells in our body, especially the Soursop (Guyabano) flavor it is proven that it has an anti-cancer property that will help the patient to recover, instead of using the widely known chemotherapy.Chemotherapy kills the cancer cells but at the same time causing the Good Cells to die too and that will lower the strength of your immune system and will make your prone to infections. 3.)Diabetes Type 1 & 2- First Vita Plus will help lower your glucose level in your blood stream, take it once a day before meal to reduced your eating appetite, because eating too much will lead you to diabetes. First Vita Plus can help many health conditions such as follows: Health Conditions Daily Intakes DIABETES ONCE A DAY DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS ONCE A DAY ELECTROLYTE DISTURBANCES 1 TO 2X A DAY FLU ONCE A DAY GOITER/HYPERTHYROIDISM 2X A DAY GOUT 2X A DAY HEADACHE ONCE A DAY HEART/CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES 3X A DAY HEMORRHOID MAINTENANCE 2X A DAY HYPERTENSION 2X A DAY INFECTIONS(minor) ONCE A DAY KIDNEY PROBLEMS 3X A DAY LIVER PROBLEMS 2X A DAY MALNUTRITION 3X A DAY OBESITY ONCE A DAY OVERALL WELLNESS ONCE A DAY PSORIASIS 3X A DAY PULMONARY DISEASES 2X A DAY SINUSITIS ONCE A DAY SORETHROAT ONCE A DAY STRESS ONCE A DAY STROKE PREVENTION/RECOVERY 3X A DAY THYROID DISORDERS 3X A DAY TONSILLITIS ONCE A DAY ULCERS 2X A DAY URINARYTRACT INFECTION (UTI) 2X A DAY VITALITY/REJUVENATION ONCE A DAY WEIGHT MAINTENANCE 2X A DAY ACHES & PAINS (BODY)ONCE A DAY ACNE/BLACKHEADS 2X A DAY ALLERGIES 2X A DAY ANEMIA1 TO 2X A DAY ARTHRITIS 1 TO 2X A DAY ASTHMA ONCE A DAY BOWEL PROBLEMS/ MAINTENANCE 1 TO 2X A DAY CANCER 3X A DAY CHILDRENS NUTRITION ONCE A DAY CLEANSING 2X A DAY COLDS 2X A DAY CONSTIPATION ONCE A DAY The good thing about First Vita Plus is a herbal supplement in a form of delicious juice that is made from 5 vegetables, according to the study of our very own Filipino Doctors, Scientist and, Herbalist that is so nutritious and has a high Disease preventing capability to protect our health. This is all natural no chemical or preservative added so it is very safe for 6 month old baby, Adolescence, Elderly, with or without disease or just wanting to maintain a good health, and who are taking medicines and antibiotic even to pregnant woman. Avail our promo now and experience the health benefits of First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink!!! Beware of Fakes! No Approved Therapeutic Claim For orders and inquiries, kindly pm me! #09194865221/09216994377
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:47:36 +0000

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