First and foremost, I want to express my deepest thanks to - TopicsExpress


First and foremost, I want to express my deepest thanks to everyone who messaged, commented, called or otherwise reached out to wish me well and send their prayers. There are no words that can ever possibly describe how much that meant to me. I am truly blessed to have chosen such wonderful people to surround myself with. As far as my health, the good news is that I did not suffer a stroke. The Doctors, after a CT Scan, had discovered a small cyst/mass near the center of my brain. Initially, there was concern that there may be an active bleed with possible blood in my spinal fluid. However, an MRI revealed that the cyst/mass is non-tumorous and did not have an active bleed. The doctors called it an arachnoid cyst that is roughly 4.2 x 3.5 x 3.0 cm in diameter located in the left-middle cranial fossa. Its likely a result of an old injury I suffered (probably football) and without having a past record of it, they cant say whether it has grown. That being said, the migraines and other symptoms may be a direct result of its growth and Ive got to see a neurologist to follow-up to determine if its something that can be left untreated (with medication for migraines), needs to be drained or, in the very worst case scenario, requires brain surgery to remove. But thats a bridge well cross when we get there. For now, Ive been told to relax and keep a close eye on my symptoms. Again, I greatly appreciate all the support and well-wished. I love each and every one of you.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:36:15 +0000

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