First deserve then desire. These four words probably - TopicsExpress


First deserve then desire. These four words probably constitute one of the shortest sentences, yet convey a meaning so powerful that so many people fail to understand. Let me briefly elaborate A lot of self-proclaimed elders equate their unstoppable process of ageing with growing up. First of all, none of us can claim credit for ageing as we have no control over it. By ageing one does not automatically become an elder - which is a word carrying lot of respect into it and it is someone you look forward to for advice, guidance - in other words ,someone you trust and respect. An elder is not someone who claims to be your elder. That would be so funny and frankly idiotic. However when you look around we see so many people forcing you to give them credit for precisely that (i.e., their process of ageing) and not their personality, not their honesty, not their character. You then truly wonder, if the noble idea of respect has indeed become so cheap, so meaningless - that age automatically holds a monopoly over it and that an elder is born in every ageing species. Total idiocy can be totally entertaining. The generations younger to us should only judge us based on our actions (not proclamations, story-telling), assess our character (for lack or presence of integrity, responsibility) and they should not give a cent of their respect cheaply to please, to cut a favour to we-the-aged beings. Hopefully in the unintelligent, uncontrolled and automatic process of ageing, some of us will also grow-up and fewer others will also become “elders”. Respect can only come in stages and not a big-bang. It certainly will never come when someone believes that the year of birth automatically gives them a monopoly on claiming respect from others. First deserve, then desire.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:36:44 +0000

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