First of all I’m not going to apologize for the rant I am on - TopicsExpress


First of all I’m not going to apologize for the rant I am on this morning…as a country will have become so callus that just after 13 years that it doesn’t even cross our minds, or the local newspaper (The Herald-Advocate) says nothing about a day that forever changed my life, our country scenery, and affected millions of families around the World. I want to be clear, I am not down playing any other observed days such as Independence Day, Memorial Day, & Veterans Day because these days are a life changing event also. But when I buy a newspaper this day and only see one mention about 9-11 on the fourth page and it is from a business that paid out of their pocket to have this published, something WRONG, I appreciate that business for taking the time and money to give us some history and call us to remember what happen on 9-11-2001 as it is called “Patriot Day”. I remember sitting at work in my office when the radio announced the first plane hit the WTC, and the whole day the events just continued to happen and the work from our department pretty much stopped as we could not believe what was going on. At that time I was a volunteer fireman and could not fathom what was going through their minds as they ran up to that scene to do what they could to save a life. I witnessed a friend of mine crying and going crazy because his sister worked at the WTC, it was three days before he heard anything from her; thank God she wasn’t in the WTC at the time because didn’t have to be at work till 10:00am... so I said of that because still to this day I gives me a heavy heart to know that monsters came over here to single handily destroy our country, and yet as a country that bows down to them as nothing ever happened. The men, women, children, firemen, Police, & EMT’s that died that day, Soldiers that gave up the comfort of their home and has given their life to protect us from this ever happening again….and we just take it as another day, SHAM on us. It is a time to remember and pray that God would strengthen each family member that was and still is affected by that day and to let them realized that “God Is Our Refuge”. I’m ending with this: 2 Chronicles 7:14- If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Let’s not forget
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:55:11 +0000

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