First of all, let me preface this so that no one thinks Im married - TopicsExpress


First of all, let me preface this so that no one thinks Im married to a knuckle dragger. Will is anything but. However, he can be, shall we say, an ass sometimes. It should further be noted that I am TOTALLY guilty of this crime. Let me begin with the backstory. My husband and I wear the same sized tee shirts. He has over 100 easily and they are all car related. Those that are not usually become mine over time. He really doesnt like me to wear his tee shirts. I do, on occasion, usually without incident. Last night, i was wearing my sleep pants and one of my tee shirts. While in bed, watching a movie, I managed to spill some iced tee on my tee shirt. So, I stood up (no simple task with 4 sleeping dogs and a sleeping husband also in bed. I removed my shirt and, since his chest of drawers is on my side of the bed, I grabbed the first one in his drawer. The lights were out, it was just a random shirt. Since it was a chilly Sunday and I had no place to go, I remained in my sleep attire as I started my day. I prepped a roast and started it in the crockpot, fed the pets, did some laundry and then hopped back in bed to watch a movie. I also decided to paint my nails. I have NEVER spilled a single drop of nail polish on any garment before in my life. Today, of course, I did on his shirt. He watched me do it and was totally pissed. Rather than begin WWIII, I assured him that I could fix it. He left the room in a huff. When he finally went to the garage, I frantically looked up how to get polish out of a tee shirt. First option: non acetone nail polish and cotton balls. That barely lifted the polish and simply moved the dark burgundy stain in a larger circle. Second option: peroxide and cotton balls. Hell, I knew that wouldnt work even before I desperately tried it. Option three: hairspray. I have every brand of hairspray under the sun and though it sometimes removes ink stains, it didnt touch the polish. What we now had is a chemically saturated stain that the EPA must never hear about! So, put it in the washer with bleach and Tide and hot water and prayed to the laundry gods for compassion. No deal. I then began an investigation rivaled only by the FBIs attempt to find the Uni Bomber, to find out where this shirt came from. I literally searched the internet for 30 minutes and contacted insiders in 3 states trying to find Iron City Hot Rods. I was able to get a few leads. Still, nothing concrete. So, I had to fess up to Will that I was unsuccessful in saving his beloved shirt. I told him of my search. He said he could get another and that it was alright. He really surprised me with being so grown up and everything. I may still be able to score another one, only Fate can determine that. Still, I feel both very sorry and very grateful that I was forgiven. I feel like I should be singing Amazing Grace.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:16:44 +0000

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