First of all, you’re welcome. Saw Bad Words starring Jason - TopicsExpress


First of all, you’re welcome. Saw Bad Words starring Jason Bateman, Kathryn Hahn, Philip Baker Hall, and Rohan Chand Friday Night at AMC Theatres! What a hilarious movie! Bateman is a genius director and most definitely brought a mean dark, but redeemable sense of humor to this film, which is right-up my alley when it comes to humor. Basically, the film depicts Guy Trilby played by Bateman as a bitter 40 year old man who couldnt win a spelling bee as a child, never graduated the 8th grade, and finds rule loop holes in order to be a qualified participant in a spelling bee which his character father Dr. Bowman played by Philip Baker Hall is head of to redeem himself, even though parents of the children are extremely disgusted. Trilby meets Chaitanya Chopra played by Rohan Chand on the airplane to the competition and is quite annoyed but later friends him in the hotel and they both become best buddies who go on a rampage of fun encounters; everything from dining out, pulling pranks on people, and even chasing down a hooker! The motivation of Trilby is not to win the contest, but prove to his father whom he never knew that he wasnt a loser and that Dr. Bowman wronged him for never being in his life. Trilby played by Bateman, uses mean dark humor as a strategy against his competitor spellers to throw off their concentration, which helps give him an edge and get him to the final spelling contest with Chopra. You might find some of the humor to be considered harsh, rude, and even racist, but if you can look past all that, its really a funny, enjoyable, and well directed but short Rated R film with a few important messages. First, children need mentors, most definitely someone to look-up to, youre never too old to succeed, and finally a lesson to all men out there; Guys, if you are going to have kids, be in their lives always! I enjoyed the film, give it a cinema score of 9/10, and recommend you take your date to go see it! #maverickradio™
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:05:09 +0000

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