First the politics. This is a private nursing home. Staff - TopicsExpress


First the politics. This is a private nursing home. Staff members allowed me a second visit but terms were set. The Church that manages this facility, did not consent to this investigation. A staff member allowed me only an hour on the first visit. The second was half a night shift but I was not allowed a camera and had to surrender my drivers license... I was let in at 11. Shelly had gone with me but after a few hours of nothing she went home. In my fustration and boredom, I turned the PSB7 on and began my usual practice of repeating words I could hear come through at random. I continued pacing around the room for a bit. Looking over at the (shut) closet door, to see if history would in fact repeat it self. The AM frequency is fairly quiet aside from a faint clicking sound that could be heard as it sweeps through the stations. Occasionally Id hear a word that would be audible enough for me to repeat. Then at 1am the word help came through. Naturally I then said it aloud. Shortly after the word now. I repeated this to. Once again, for the second time help came through. Before I could repeat it again now followed for a second time. I grabbed a near by chair and took the recorder from my pocket and asked Are their any spirits near me right now? The spirit box reply was, Yes. Help now. I hit record... The following is the list of audible responses along with the minutes/seconds of the words captured in this recoeding. Details after. 0.06 (Help) first word you can hear clearly before I even asked the first question. 0.09 (Yes) still not an answer to the first question but almost came out as I was asking it. 0.13 (three) this maybe difficult to hear without enhanced or high volume but the words are marked on their exact seconds. 0.17 (five) at the time I thought I heard a yeah. Only playing the recorder back with enhanced volume, that I realized I had misheard this. 0.38 Definite (No) 0.47 (Tim) 1.06 has an answer but even now on playback I am unable to pin it down. Several very silent words can be heard in occasion but I can only go with what my ears and experience can give me. 1.29 sounds like (again) but not clear. 1.33 (hurt) heard this when playing back. Did not hear it during session. 2.04 I had a blank moment where I couldnt think of my next question. I was in shock at this point and was feeling uncertain as to what direction to go in. I asked Do you see a bright light? This maybe off putting to you and the spirit because at 2.04 (What?) Comes through clearly. 2.09 after repeating my odd question (no) comes through right at the exact. 2.22 (no) 2.37 to 2.38 the number (8) comes through. The rooms number is 8! This came as a huge shock later but at the time the room was the only room being used for storage in that hall so the room number was not brought to my attention. 3.06 perhaps they are referring to one another.. female voice says (Tim) followed by a male voice says (no) at 3.09. 3.21 another perfect response (yes) very clear! 3.40 a few reponses seem to be out of my range up to this point. 3.52 another answer I am unable to make out. Around 1am there were what I thought to be natural structure noises like little pops and clicks in the walls and ceuling. I made a reach and asked anyway. 4.17 is (no) 4.33 is (no) (No) Comes through once more in the final seconds. As for the ending of this session there are a few reasons. When trying to capture evidence by sound, I go for the highest quality of sound the microphone can get. This takes up a considerable amount of data. My recorder often records long periods of nothing as well. So I set a time limit at 5mins. This session had a lot of adrenaline on my part, though it may not sound like it at first but you will hear me sigh often to maintain my composure. Many often say the spirits feed on that energy. Most researchers and investigators are not surprised to find them selves exhausted after a brief eventful investigation. I had about ten minutes left of my approved room time so I had to leave shortly after... I was incredibly anxious to get this posted but it takes time to sift through and type out the details. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS FOLLOWED THIS. IM GLAD TO SHARE ANOTHER GREAT EXPERIENCE WITH YOU. I HOPE YOU ALL GET A CHANCE TO HEAR IT. WITH LOVE AND RESPECT JV
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 02:49:06 +0000

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