First time in years I tasted real freedom was about two years ago, - TopicsExpress


First time in years I tasted real freedom was about two years ago, when I quite my Job and started working on my own. It was scary doing it, and very stressful indeed. I was afraid to work alone. I was worried about stability etc. Today I look back and I see its one of the best decisions I ever made. I do similar type of Job, with much freedom and flexibility and earn more. I also have a lot of free time to interact and meet with people, even though I should say most people I know or want to spend time with are either naive, too busy, afraid or distrusting, if not negative minded. One of the main reasons I travel far just to spend fun time elsewhere. I still had a few things tying me up, which I have been able to overcome with time, like building good relationship with people around. Making friends is not about worrying on what they think about you, or thinking about pleasing them. That takes away a lot of energy. It isnt also about pleasing anyone, other than being yourself. As far as Joy, freedom and happiness are concerned, I found I had them always with me, but never felt them because I was looking for them from the wrong places, or trying to find them in people. when it comes to relationships I have no regrets. When I love someone I do it with my entire heart and without expectations. It doesnt hurt at all if they dont want to stay around. I do not make promises about the future, I do what I can at the present. I dealt with anxiety for years, and one way I curbed it was to stop caring, and listening to everyone telling me how I should live my life. I value family, would like to have one someday, but I am not gonna push someone to be with me. Has to be her choice not mine. As far as I know and seen, most people aint even looking for love. They look for pleasure and what pleases their feelings. Most dont even know what love is, because they dont have it in the first place. We give and share what we have. To find love, embrace Love. To find Joy, embrace Joy and to find Happiness, embrace happiness. You first need to discover them in yourself. When it comes to preaching about the kingdom of God, find it first, enter it and then preach about it. A lot of people preach about what isnt in them. They are water-less canals who cannot quench the thirsty. Take time , know yourself and Know God. Believing is not experiencing, for through experience is when we have full redemption. I grew up going to Church, and was just a believer and could lie, but the truth is I could only talk from the point of Religion. Learning the truth is about overcoming all obstacles including fear that holds you back. As Christ said, become full in Spirit and Empty in Reason, for Reason belongs to the soul, and it is soul. A soul that is empty never stops to seek, and with a spirit to guide it leads it to knowledge, which brings one to Salvation. as one said didnt people perish for lack of Knowledge? Right now I am pursuing spiritual enlightenment, and interested in learning the Ultimate reality and secrecy that surrounds the universe. As we would all agree, we are part of a great Wisdom we barely comprehend, yet, we are not forbidden to acquire that wisdom and knowledge. Path of self discovery has been a tough one, and before I learned to seek from the right places, I have been to all wrong places, that is, talk about Religion, Politics, scientific studies etc. I have been through these for the most parts. I share everything because I feel such free to do so, and I enjoy for the most part. These experiences are real and not theories. As much as I should say, I have always hatred theories and speculations, and any belief system that has been build on the same. I found out what it means to be human, and that what God created is not what we see. Only if you learn the truth, and have a place to keep it inside you, ie, accept it, then will you come to odd with everything you see. Best thing you could do is to stop following anyone and take time to be alone, and it surely works. Discover that which is within you, and you will learn the true sources of Joy, happiness, sorrow, anger, hatred, love, lust, pressure etc.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 03:43:12 +0000

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