Florida’s middle district, which includes Collier county , Lee - TopicsExpress


Florida’s middle district, which includes Collier county , Lee county and Charlotte counties and stretches from south of Naples northward to the Georgia line – “Travelers found dead along roads or trails, for example, were sometimes simply disposed of in unmarked roadside holes, a solution that required no inquests, no paperwork, and almost no trouble or public expense “It was a fairly common custom,”. mfm.floridaweekly/node/145934#.VCgTGWS9Kc0 Using numbers from a U.S. Department of Justice report detailing a decade of wrongdoing from 2001 to 2010, mostly in local government. “Travelers found dead along roads or trails, for example, were sometimes simply disposed of in unmarked roadside holes, a solution that required no inquests, no paperwork, and almost no trouble or public expense “It was a fairly common custom,” recalled Vernon Peeples, the Charlotte County historian and former state legislator, in a conversation with Florida Weekly last year.” Using numbers from a U.S. Department of Justice report detailing a decade of wrongdoing from 2001 to 2010, mostly in local government. Florida’s middle district, which includes Collier, Lee and Charlotte counties and stretches from south of Naples northward to the Georgia l[...]-a-u-s-department-of-justice-report-detailing-a-decade-of-wrongdoing-from-2001-to-2010-mostly-in-local-government-floridas-middle-district-which-includes-collier-lee-an/ Body Snatchers: Organ Harvesting For Profit | Psychology Today - a Growing Market . . . psychologytoday/blog/reading-between-the-headlines/201311/body-snatchers-organ-harvesting-profit Excerpt from Above Link: - The local sheriff quickly determined the death was a freak accident, that he suffocated after getting stuck in a rolled up mat in the school gym. Johnsons parents however, could not—would not—accept that. Six months after his death, they obtained a court order to have the body exhumed for an independent autopsy. The pathologist was stunned when he found the corpse stuffed with newspaper. The brain, heart, lungs and liver were missing. He also discovered Johnsons death was due to blunt force trauma to the right side of his neck. The FBI is now involved in this disturbing case with potentially shattering reverberations. Black market organs are being transplanted in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles at $150,000 a pop. She reports there are broker-friendly US hospitals, complete with surgeons who either dont know or dont care where the organs come from. Florida’s middle district, which includes Collier county , Lee county and Charlotte counties and stretches from south of Naples northward to the Georgia line – “Travelers found dead along roads or trails, for example, were sometimes simply disposed of in unmarked roadside holes, a solution that required no inquests, no paperwork, and almost no trouble or public expense “It was a fairly common custom,”. mfm.floridaweekly/node/145934#.VCgTGWS9Kc0 Using numbers from a U.S. Department of Justice report detailing a decade of wrongdoing from 2001 to 2010, mostly in local government. https://facebook/n/?photo.php&fbid=845797958775906&set=a.140555952633447.19281.10000037129946[...]
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 11:32:43 +0000

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