Flu season is upon us and although we wish good health for all of - TopicsExpress


Flu season is upon us and although we wish good health for all of our families and educators, we know that illness still finds a way to strike. Please use good judgement when it comes to having your home visits. If you, your child, or any other household members are ill, please communicate with your educator to decide together on the best solution. Our time with you is important to us, but your health comes first! :) Please take a moment to read the following SPS standards as found in the 2014-15 SPS Student Handbooks and use this in helping aid in your planning: A student should not be in attendance and will be sent home with any of the following: Temperature (orally) 100 degrees or more, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Student may return to school when free of above symptom(s) for 24 hours without any fever reducing medication or other medication to relieve symptom(s). Symptoms related to possible communicable diseases (skin rashes, redness of eyes, swollen glands, etc.) Excessive drainage from eyes, ears, persistent earache, constant cough; or painful sore throat accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes. Students with (or having the potential to transmit) an acute infectious disease or parasite. Head lice and/or nits.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:18:12 +0000

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