Food for Thought: Maybe I cannot find Mr.Right because I am wrong - TopicsExpress


Food for Thought: Maybe I cannot find Mr.Right because I am wrong in the way I see relationships. Wow.. I COULD NOT have said it better :) and it applies to both genders even though the points listed here are more geared towards females. If u wanna find the perfect partner in life, then maybe u really need to be single all ur life. Cos, u are desiring an impossibility. I think so many people in church have this mindset that, I want someone who is 10/10. The best part is they think they are 10/10 too. And if you ever find that perfect person, then the outcome of that will be that you will be disappointed indeed, because by your strength, u can NEVER match up to the perfectness of that person. Too many people have unrealistic expectations, and then they fail to manage them. I heard on the radio this morning on my way back from the gym: You become happier in life, if only you lower your expectations. Make no mistake. Im not advocating that you cheapen urself. Im saying that ur expectations should be realistic and that you need to manage them. Too many people have this gungho attitude of I must maintain high standards, Never settle for anything less than the best, I deserve the best. Etc etc. Somehow, I find these statements dont do anything to my self confidence, but rather they reek with the stench of self pride. And ppl keep meditating and confessing stuff like that till unknowingly, they build walls in their lives and have that holier than thou attitude to all other ppl. That stinks seriously. I admit I used to think that way as well. But as I mature, my entire perspective of relationship changed 180° and thats a change I am ever grateful for. And we all need to renew our minds, because the devil has sown poison in the fields and we have gladly lapped it up like thirsty dogs. One of the greatest things Im grateful and thankful for is an imperfect partner. It is in her imperfection and my own that I found Gods grace. And that grace is what cements our relationship and strengthens it. Our imperfections cause us to realize that we cannot love each other perfectly without the perfect love of God. Thats why one of the most beautiful things u can ever ask God for, is to give you the ability to realize that ur partner is imperfect, and so are you, but yet give you the grace to love the person. And out of that, you will experience the greatest love ever that was born out of Gods own love for us. It is the kind of love that is unconditional, that can only manifest itself through Jesus. To all who are single, and especially those of you who are getting on in age and have been single for the longest time possible, my advice to u is, let ur pride go. Reevaluate ur expectations. Learn to accept the flaws in people. Understand that the perfect relationship leaves no room for God to work in. All the best, and may you find that grace of God and love in that special someone.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 02:16:57 +0000

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