Food for thought - The current Esquimalt council traffic calmed - TopicsExpress


Food for thought - The current Esquimalt council traffic calmed Esquimalt Road, reduced it from four lanes to two, one each way with flower pots in the middle and the result was speed humps on Old Esquimalt Road, because the traffic was forced off the main corridor and through residential areas. The cost of those speed humps was $70,000 Esquimalt taxpaying dollars. So why does this council want to traffic calm Admirals Road, a far more travelled road, when they already learned this lesson. Let me point you in the right direction. Hint - CRD website - - Take a look at - * CRD Home> * Planning & Initiatives> * Planning & Other Initiatives> * Pedestrian & Cycling Master Plan Can you believe in the year 2014 that anyone in their right mind would call this initiative the what every MASTER PLAN. Please read this because BC is the only Province that has a Carbon Tax on Gas, so the idea of this being federally funded is a lie. It is 100 % out of the BC motorist pocket and the three things a municipality must do to get the free money otherwise known as the grant is to : 1) reduce lanes of traffic 2) increase green space 3) add bike lanes. So you as the motorist can spend more time stuck in traffic, buy more gas, pay more tax, so these people can award more free money to do it all over again in another municipality. Getting mad yet? Do you know that these CRD directors are all Mayors of these 14 municipalities and there collective ability to do any form of critical thinking has come up with this answer. They will ride bikes and move into the area closer to their work place. I dont think so and here is why. 1) The hills and weather only permit individuals in good shape and/or love to ride a bike against a 120 km winds, up hill in the pouring rain with the average temp being 5 degrees, that being the super heros 55 years of age hanging around starbucks at 7am wearing way to tight biking gear while straddling their bike cross bar, with their kids already out of the house, and no need to pick them up at daycare or worry about picking up groceries for the next week. 2) A job today is no reason to move close to your work, as work today is not the same as even 10 years ago. People get laid off, they move to other positions in the same company or with another. You buy a home where your are comfortable, where the things you like to do are close by. You do not purchase a 500,000 home close to work so your boss can call you in because your close by. As the Mayor of Esquimalt, I would be come automatically, a director of the CRD. Thats were this game against the motorist and the tax payers ends and so does the septic treatment plant, the table scrap program and every other CRD controlled program that costs you money but does not make any sense. If you found this informative and entertaining, please invite your friends to join my campaign, even if they dont live in Esquimalt, perhaps one of their friends does. Its time to wake up and stop the madness. Wait, you dont agree that there is madness - I can prove it- The overpass at the airport was approved by three levels of government and the designer of that overpass removed his name from it. Mean while, Admirals and Mackenzie still remains the center of gridlock hell. Can you imagine the conversation. Hey John, I have an idea, lets create an overpass off a highway that the moment you leave the highway, you enter into a double lane roundabout. WHAT? Stop the madness, its your money thats being wasted.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:33:24 +0000

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