Food for thought... THIS IS HOW THE NWO TOOK OUR COUNTRY, AND HOW - TopicsExpress


Food for thought... THIS IS HOW THE NWO TOOK OUR COUNTRY, AND HOW THE U.N. IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO COME IN AND TAKE OVER SOON... Lets Face it, our country was mortgaged a long time ago, and we are still under foreign ownership, hence the administrative (aka Admiralty (which is British)) Law used in court, as well as statutory codes (i.e. NOT laws, but CODES AND STATUTES - see Blacks Law Dictionary, MAJOR DIFFERENCE, mainly in that statutes and codes are only enforceable if you contract with the courts as a corporate entity, which you do, by understanding (legally defined as agreeing with and submitting to the factuality of) the case presented against you as said corporate entity. Google legal straw man, and educate yourself people!), which, by CONSTITUTIONAL LAW is unenforceable in this country, as the laws of the land, and any state thereof, are to be written, interpreted, and enforced ONLY by american citizens, which nobody that has accepted accreditation from the BAR association (a British Royal entity) is, as by accept in this and taking the BAR oath, they receive a foreign title of nobility, i.e. esquire, which by the ORIGINAL 13th amendment (Google anti title amendment) they automatically and voluntarily forfeit their citizenship as a citizen, and, in the case of BAR members, become subjects of the British crown... And yes this amendment did pass, as it was ratified by Virginia(the necessary thirteenth vote at that time) and can be found in copies of the constitution printed in military issued books from the early to mid 1800s, at which point it was swept under the rug when Lincoln established the USA as a corporate entity in order to take loans from foreign countries to pay for the civil war, effectively ending the republic, and any semblance of freedom, rights, and self-ownership of all the citizens in this land. This is why you have a birth certificate. It is nothing more than a title of ownership of collateral used to cover this countries debts... Yeah, I know that all sounds really out there and tin-foil hat worthy, but before you just dismiss it, as 99.99% of you will anyways, do some research, and become aware of how things really stand! It may save your life, or at least help you educate yourself in a good legal defense against any charges, taxation seizures, or forfeiture of rights you may someday face... Thanks for taking the time to read this, and pm me if you have any questions...
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:51:45 +0000

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