Food for thought for the day. In the First Amendment, our - TopicsExpress


Food for thought for the day. In the First Amendment, our constitution forbids the formation of a law that shows preference to any one religion known as the Establishment Clause. Written in 1789 by Congressman Fisher Ames, the Establishment Clause is the first of several pronouncements in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, stating, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” The Establishment Clause is a limitation placed upon the United States Congress preventing it from passing legislation respecting an establishment of religion. The second prohibition inherent from this specified prohibition is no preference by the U.S. government of one religion over another; an aim desired by the Founding Fathers necessary to accommodate all of the many denominations in the United States. The Establishment Clause prohibits Congress from preferring or elevating one religion over another, but does not prohibit the governments entry into religious domain to make accommodations for religious observances and practices in order to achieve the purposes of the Free Exercise Clause. My take is this; marriage is a religious ceremony that under current law provides great financial advantages to those who are married. It is my opinion that this violates our constitution. My logic is simple; it is religion that states that marriage is between a man and women and our government has given preference to people who believe this religious doctrine and rewarded them with great financial gain. However, not everyone follows this belief and therefore lose great financial gain for failing to conform to one of these religions. To correct this, marriage should not be a matter of law but one of a person’s religious beliefs. To achieve the financial gains currently attributed to marriage, all couples should simply apply for a common law partner license thus keeping marriage in your religion of choice and allowing the financial gain for any couple that wants to join forces. Americans do not have to like or agree with, “Gay Marriage,” but why should anyone be rewarded with unfair financial gains because they follow one of the chosen religions?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 16:10:33 +0000

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