Foods That Help in Digestion We bring to you a list of foods - TopicsExpress


Foods That Help in Digestion We bring to you a list of foods that help in digestion and keep your stomach happy. Digestion, being one the vital processes of the body, needs extra care and tending to, and that’s not exactly possible when you decide to dine out at that classy new Mexican restaurant near your place, or pick up a quick take-away from your favorite Chinese food joint. What happens next is much predictable – you’ll notice pain and tenderness in your stomach, accompanied by an upset digestive system; which doesn’t just mess up with your appetite, but also snatch all of your attention; affecting your performance at work too. Scary enough right? That doesn’t mean you need to say goodbye to those occasional eat-outs and parties; just make sure you add more of these stomach-friendly foods to your diet, and you’re good to go. Ginger Ginger is known for its immaculate ability to relieve gastrointestinal discomfort; which is why, it is your simple, one-stop solution to all problems of the stomach. This root, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, curbs digestive spasms, gas, indigestion, nausea and bloating. Extract the juice of a small piece of ginger and take it with a spoon of honey before meals. Mint Herbalists have used it, and its time you do too! Mint, in its fresh form, is known to work wonders in aiding digestive processes. The cooling properties that mint possesses can calm down an upset digestive system, and accelerate internal healing. Sprinkle it over your gravies or add it to your salads and accompaniments as a garnish. Probiotics This one needs no introduction – Probiotics are definitely rockstars when it comes to improving digestive health. Probiotic foods like yogurt pack in impressive amounts of the ‘good’ bacteria (lactobacilli), that play an amazing role in improving gut health and curbing different ailments of the digestive system like indigestion, diarrhea, constipation etc. What’s more, probiotic foods are really versatile – just whip up a glass of lassi or a fruit smoothie for your breakfast – a smart and easy way to keep your stomach happy all day.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 09:56:17 +0000

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