For 23 yrs I was married to David P. Ross.I was a very good wife. - TopicsExpress


For 23 yrs I was married to David P. Ross.I was a very good wife. I worked very hard to make a house a home, establish a beautiful garden, and raise our son Andrew. For 23 yrs, I helped my husband pay our bills, get through his cancer treatment, get better jobs when they were available, and never put myself first. I took care of his horse, I worked only part time jobs in order to fulfill all my duties as a wife and mother. I paid for the mortgage when my husband wanted me to, I paid for our vacations, to Disney World, to Chicago, to the beach. I furnished our home with the best furnishings, entertained my husbands friends, and even loaned his mother money and helped pay for her apartment, painting and furnishing it myself when his sister left her on our doorstep penniless. When our son became ill with Idiopathic Scoliosis, I managed his health care, paid for his health insurance, and went to work to help cover the medical expenses. I am still helping our son with his medical expenses, and college education, with NO HELP FROM DAVID ROSS. When EVER my husband needed anything, I mean ANYTHING, I wrote a check for it. My father helped him pay off his bills for his cancer treatment, and forgave the debt. Now, when I need his help, to allow me to obtain a loan modification and refi on the home that was awarded to me in our divorce, he will not help us. All he has to do is sign his name, and he will not do it. The federal government will not grant me a loan modification unless I have a clear title to the home. In two separate county courts in Virginia, two different Judges have ordered my then still husband to COOPERATE with me to obtain the necessary loan modification so that the house could remain mine. Not only has he not complied, but because of this I am having to pay the higher mortgage rate and it has cost me over $20,000.00 to date. I literally am being bled dry by the same man who told our son on his 18th birthday that because he turned 18, we were no longer a family. I will now unfortunately have to sue him in court to force him to clear the title for the loan modification This will have to be done in the same court system that left me with NO SPOUSAL SUPPORT after 23 yrs, and ordered me to assume ALL the marital debt, MOST of which I was promised by my then husband, that we would pay me back for. His CHevy pickup truck, his dental work, his bagpipe band expenses, his credit cards, his new car. Please pray for my son and I, that we can get a court date, and that the Judge here in Virginia who will hear my case will grant me some relief...
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 01:16:10 +0000

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