For My Friends... A True Life Story To Ponder On Your - TopicsExpress


For My Friends... A True Life Story To Ponder On Your Weekend THEY USED TO TREAT ME LIKE A “DUMB BRUNETTE”, NOW THEY CALL ME “AMAZING”. How Did I Do It? One Simple Trick! For those whom I’ve had the pleasure to meet in person, you’ve probably heard me talk about my love of reading. What you probably DIDN’T know was that many years ago I would go to seminars (like you do) and people would call me “pretty boy” and essentially treat me like the proverbial “dumb brunette” in the room (yes ladies, even men get that treatment). But as a teenager I had pretty bad acne, so I never could get it through my head about the “pretty boy” nonsense because I never thought of myself like that - ever. The problem was, they were right on one count: I was ignorant! (Not stupid - ignorant). I’ll be bold and state: ignorance kills. It kills your dreams, your business, your relationships, your health - everything. Too many people today think it’s a badge of honour to be ignorant. And they defend their ignorance by claiming they are “keeping it real.” But I agree with comedian Chris Rock, they ARE keeping it real - real dumb! So how did I cure my ignorance? Here’s my “secret recipe”: Reading + introspection + testing to see if it works in the real world = NO MORE DUMMY! If you read just an hour a day you will be at a level of knowledge that few people in the world will ever attain. I read 30 minutes in the morning and 30 in the evening. (actually more than that) My point is, if you act on my humble tip, you will read the equivalent of 50 books a year! THAT’s how I cured my ignorance. Well, maybe not completely. You ALSO must reflect and then test in the real world. Here’s why: It’s not enough just to read, it’s not enough to comprehend, not enough even to know - you must BECOME. That’s the recipe. Do THAT and will people will think YOU are amazing - and you will be! More than that, you will attain GENIUS. Yes, you heard that correctly: genius. You have genius inside of you, but it can only be harnessed through EFFORT. There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going. And thats why major banks and airlines called ME (a former mailman) when THEY were stuck. I may not be called “pretty boy” anymore (well, my wife thinks I’m handsome at least!), but these days NOOOOO ONE calls me “dumb”. God Bless! Have a great weekend - Les PS - if you think this may inspire someone you know, feel free to pass it on :-)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 20:27:39 +0000

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