For You dear Betty Clark... - TopicsExpress


For You dear Betty Clark... 1 Samuel 17:45-51 45 David said to the Philistine: “You come against me with a dagger, spear, and sword, but I come against you in the name of Yahweh of Hosts, the God of Israel’s armies—you have defied Him. 46 Today, the LORD will hand you over to me. Today, I’ll strike you down, cut your head off, and give the corpses[l] of the Philistine camp to the birds of the sky and the creatures of the earth. Then all the world will know that Israel has a God, 47 and this whole assembly will know that it is not by sword or by spear that the LORD saves, for the battle is the LORD’s. He will hand you over to us.” 48 When the Philistine started forward to attack him, David ran quickly to the battle line to meet the Philistine. 49 David put his hand in the bag, took out a stone, slung it, and hit the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground. 50 David defeated the Philistine with a sling and a stone. Even though David had no sword, he struck down the Philistine and killed him. 51 David ran and stood over him. He grabbed the Philistine’s sword, pulled it from its sheath, and used it to kill him. Then he cut off his head ~One of the Lord’s greatest commissions is that we love one another and that we strive to think of others more than ourselves. But there are also times when we will need to stand face to face with the enemy, and yes. Sadly, quite often the enemy uses other “Christians” to do his dirty work-and as times wind down, that is becoming more and more prevalent. I believe that I would be safe to say that the Lord doesn’t expect us to just curl up into a little ball while the enemy is hurling daggers and spears at us-NO! In fact, He wants us to put our full trust in Him to indeed provide and equip us with the Whole Armor that we need to put on daily-like we do our own clothing-and go to be PREPARED to fight. Sometimes He provides the simplest of things, like a smooth stone, to be able to defeat the enemy and cut his head off! I know that as for me, my calling is to be a warrior-no doubt whatsoever in my mind. The Lord has equipped me and gifted me in being battle ready-do I miss the mark sometimes? Sure! But I get back to the battle none the less. The war that being waged isn’t with flesh and blood, but principalities and powers-they are REAL! I have fought them first hand when I have had demonic entities, who were residing IN people, come against me-was I scared? Not a bit…now the afterwards when the adrenalin rush subsided, I was a bit overcome, but I KNEW that the Lord had my back! So, with all this being said, not literally of course, but sometimes you have to stand up to that Giant and take him down and chop his head off!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:56:08 +0000

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