For almost twenty years, music has been my life. It has taken me - TopicsExpress


For almost twenty years, music has been my life. It has taken me on travels far and wide, introduced me to countless people, stages and experiences that I may never have been fortunate enough to touch without it. No matter what has happened throughout my life, music has always been my invisible friend, my unwavering companion. Full of strength, mystery and an infinitely complex understanding of the world around me. These feelings about music are what allowed me to open myself entirely to it, to surrender myself to it as my religion. My meditative, transcendent home. The place where I could go to share my soul. Though that place, that meditative place where I go when I write, perform or sing a song is not only exclusive to musicians or artists. It is the same place that other feelings reside. The deepest things like love, anger, sadness, euphoria, heartbreak, etc. When I play music, I tap into that other place where all of the truest things that I have felt throughout my life live. Until recently, that place was always an escape for me. A momentary, transcendence to memories from my past as well as my faith and hope for the future. No matter what, I want to say that I am in no way regretful of these past three years of my solo music career. On the contrary, I am incredibly grateful. Never, at any other point of my life, have I felt more alive, more honest, more appreciated artistically or met so many unforgettable people than these past three years. Unfortunately, with great highs come great lows. Everything must even out. These past years, most specifically the past two and a half years, even more specifically the past three months, have been riddled with heavy lows, heartache and profound betrayal. No one is perfect. I am most definitely not. I make mistakes just as everyone does. But it pains me to declare that the great pain that Ive felt, especially recently, has crept into that special place that I have held so dear and sacred throughout nearly my entire life and music has suddenly become a painful and torturous activity for me. There are specifics that I will not venture into but I will simply say that when it comes to my new album Glory, I was in a very different place than I am now and to sing those songs repeatedly, night after night would be the only kind of torture that would surely send me to my grave. This is my formal statement to the public, my family, friends and supporters, that I will be taking an essential hiatus from performing music. I do not have an idea on how long this will last but I simply cannot push myself to perform extensively, the amount that would be expected and appropriate coinciding with the release of a new album without foreseeable negative effects on my well being. With that being said, and to touch on a more positive note, I have decided that the right thing to do would be to finish Glory to the best of my abilities in the attempts to create the picture of the album that I had prior to any external circumstance. Despite any stigma I may have with any of its content, I still can believe in the inspirational constitution that I felt when I was writing the songs. In my opinion, it still is a well written, beautiful and honest example of what I am capable of artistically, how I have evolved and what kind of energy I wanted to put out into the world. As of right now, I have scheduled the date for the release of the album with my good friends at the Iron Horse Entertainment Group who have consistently been so kind and supportive of me for Saturday, May 10th at The Iron Horse Music Hall. Despite any melancholy connotations that anyone (including myself) may feel about this situation, I would very much like to treat the night as a celebratory event. A night to commemorate accomplishment, love, music and friendships. I have not set terms for myself with this hiatus, I do not know how long it will last or what it will entail. The main objective is to allow myself some time to reclaim those sacred places in my heart and mind again so that I may someday, hopefully sooner than later be reborn stronger and whole again. Once again, I cannot and feel that I will never be able to express enough gratitude to the people that have stuck by me, always been honest and righteously positive forces in my life and the world that I am a part of. Thank you everyone that has supported me. Lets make this a night to remember. I will see you again soon. So much love. Forever, Seth Newton
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:19:30 +0000

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