For both sides, where does this fictitious separation of church - TopicsExpress


For both sides, where does this fictitious separation of church and state come from? Do you even know? That phrase has been taken entirely out of context to the point of now being a misnomer! Jefferson wrote the statement a wall of separation between church and state in a letter to the Danbury Baptists Association circa 1802 and it is HIS INTERPRETATION of the purpose of the 1st Amendment. It is not a law, contrary to what many left leaning individuals may want to proclaim! HE had wanted more stern wording in the Constitution because of his personal beliefs, but his ideas on this did not make it into the ratified Constitution or Bill of Rights! People need to stop letting this phrase be used to justify the infringement on our rights as a nation. There is no more an issue with allowing a Muslim to do this than there should be with allowing a Christian to do it!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:44:12 +0000

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