For in it (the gospel of Christ) the righteousness of God is - TopicsExpress


For in it (the gospel of Christ) the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is WRITTEN, The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:17) The phrase The just shall live by faith appears at least three times in the Bible (incl. Hebrews 10:38, Habakkuk 2:4). This emphasizes a certain lifestyle that every believer should live: a life of faith. Faith is not supposed to be practiced because of what we see. Most peoples faith grow because of what they see, and their faith is limited to what they see - in most cases miracles. The word of God does not say that the just shall live by miracles. Make no mistake I believe that miracles do happen because I believe in God. But since (genuine) miracles originate from God, I have decided to place my faith in the Originator rather than the manifestation. There is a danger is focusing on the manifestation: 1. One becomes a spectator and not have a relationship with God just because they want to see the miracles. Just take a look at all the people that go to the miracle crusades - most do not even have Bibles with them, how do they expect to sustain their breakthrough? 2. One can easily backslide if the miracle does not happen. It is very possible that the miracle may not happen for you the way it did for others. One is more likely to backslide and go back to the world and even hate God, just because God never delivered 3. There is a danger that one will not be rooted in the word, because they will move from one ministry to another in search of miracles. They become problems at they church-hop. 4. There is a danger of losing money as one is likely to be abused by the prophets. Only one person out of 1000 will come with a staged testimony sometimes. It is easy to fall for fakes because one is desperate for a miracle. 5. There is danger of glorifying the man of God and forgetting the real glory to Jesus Christ who died on the cross for you and me, not the man of God. 6. What if the man of God dies? Would people go out again and look for another prophet? Man has a problem of dying. Will their ministries continue beyond the grave? Just look around for the people that have died and were focused on miracles. Didnt their miracles die with them? You have to be effective even after death. The bones of Elisha raised the dead, by just been touched. 7. Most of that faith comes by seeing, but the Bible says faith comes by hearing. I choose to hear the Word than see miracles. Have a blessed day.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:20:22 +0000

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