For my business friends here: It was just 4 years ago, I was - TopicsExpress


For my business friends here: It was just 4 years ago, I was just beginning my online journey. We were behind on our mortgage, living paycheck to paycheck and unable to keep up with our utility bills. Having our electricity cut off a few times was quite embarrassing to say the least. As a parent you keep your head up and put on a smiling face to hide the struggles from your kids. It wasnt until I discovered the world of online marketing that I finally felt hope and saw an opportunity for a way out. One year later....Bill retired from corporate america as I had finally surpassed his income and he joined me on this journey. In the beginning I focused on following one person at a time. I duplicated their road to success by following their moves. I got on their list, I attended their webinars, I bought their products, I attended their live events, I even probably paid for their coaching from time to time. I immersed myself into their business until I got to where I needed to be. My first step was to make 5K a month. Once there I found the next person to get me to 10K a month. Once there I found the next person to get me to 20K a month. Once there I found the next person to get me to 50K a month. What I found at the range of making 20K - 40K a month was a challenge that kept us in this place longer than we wanted. So what did we do? What was the shift? Here it is: We had to think bigger and go bigger, which meant investing in ourselves in the form of coaching and our business, to the tune of 50K at least. It was completely terrifying, but it finally took our income to over 100K a month and now we are finally on pace to a 7 figure year. No longer stuck at that 6 figure a year mark. It was truly all about us stepping out of our comfort zone and going bigger! We found the right mentorship and the right opportunity to get us there. That my friends is MOBE. MOBE ==>> A few nights ago Bill and I were awarded the 100K club ring in which we accomplished in just 3 months of joining MOBE. We have now done over 280K in commissions in just 5 months and there is no stopping us now. We have some amazing people who have partnered with us and have been adding more daily to join us on this journey. We are so thankful for Matt Lloyd for pushing us beyond what we thought we were capable of and thankful for the MOBE coaches for lifting up our business to the next level & their support. Four years seems like an eternity when you are looking forward and you are struggling for answers but now looking back 4 years seems like it went by so quick. My friends, if we can do it so can you. Theres nothing stopping you, but yourself. Its all about you getting out of your own way, partnering with the right people, taking risks, dreaming big, and creating a WHY bigger than any excuse you could make. We will continue to dream big and now we are going after that MILLION dollar ring. No doubt we will get it as we are committed to the vision and direction of MOBE. There will always be ups and downs in your business. Its all about you getting back up and moving forward. Mistakes will be made, you will fall down, but if you stay grateful and let those actions make you stronger you will succeed! Bill and I are here for you and appreciate you taking time to read this heartfelt message, I am writing here from my hotel room in the Bahamas.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:13:31 +0000

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