For the past 16 years i have been a volunteer football coach. I - TopicsExpress


For the past 16 years i have been a volunteer football coach. I didnt play high school ball or college ball. I learned the game by watching, asking and attending clinics across the country. This past spring I went to a clinic at the University of Notre Dame (which was beautiful) speakers there included some of the best coaches in the business like Bill Belichek, Marvin Lewis and Sam Wyche. The most interesting speaker was Mark Trestman the new head coach for the Chicago Bears. He didnt talk much about football but, more about philosophies and the life lessons football could teach. The thing he said that grabbed me was to ask yourself WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Since the clinic I have been asking myself why? Which brought me to this conclusion. As long as I can remember I have wanted to be a dad. I would have been happy to be a dad at 16, fortunately for me it didnt work out that way. Now I have children and i have spent the better part of this last year trying to balance my career, my family and football and its exhausting. Today I turned in my keys and stepped away from football so I can focus on being the dad I have always dreamed of being. I wasnt always the best coach but i always gave it everything I had, my goal was to impact one kid if not more, to make them better men and prospering members of society. I hate long Facebook posts so if you took the time to read this. Thank You!! Love you all, Coach Eli OUT................(at least until Junior is 8)
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:55:16 +0000

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