For the public to know... First of all I dont care what you say - TopicsExpress


For the public to know... First of all I dont care what you say about me... All people does that, we are on that society. What is important is that it will not come to the person you defamed to because it will be a start of world war III. Hahaha! If come to know ANGEL JOEMAR ROMANO well girl your guy just chatted me a while ago and told me everything you told him about me, just for the sake that you will destroy my image towards him because you are so insecure of my beauty, my standing in society and everything that I have achieved. Lol. Now I have justified that all I thought about you was right that you were the one who defame me to those guys I became friends to, lol. If they believe you in all your devilish words well it is their lost and not mine, I have lots of boys. How pitiful are this kinds of faggots that they will need to be a traitor just for a boy who afterwards well just come and go from a gays life and that friendship is lost just for it. Well, what can you get out of an air-headed faggot?! So guys, gals and sisters if you happen to know this queer, let me remind you, be very careful not to come close to it because it is so very dangerous, a traitor, a leech and a very insecure gay... Well, thats the result if you came from a broken family, never did graduated a bachelors degree, clinging to people that they can suck blood to and later will grab you down to their lowest level if they can no longer suck the golden blood out from you..Lol I treated you so well, I welcomed you to the youth council before that gave way for you to be part of the church and then became a Catechist which became your advantage to f--- your own Re.Ed students in S.N.H.S and G.N.H.S, I know it because you once told me who were this students in that school that you had an affair with, I tried to warn the elders about it but you were to true to be fake. So i told myself to get away from you because I sensed that your not a good friend, a traitor and you were the one who spread this bad rumors about me to my boys that is why they got away from me but thanks to you I knew who among them were true to me. Lol. Thanks for being the devils advocate. Lol. If not for me you cant have a job right now, and you cant serve the church if not because You became my friend and now all you can repay me is by spreading words against me to all the guys that you know I became friends with. it only shows how insecure you are. Lol. I pity you very much! Lol. Lastly, I challenge you to speak in English well and your grammar also check it. Lol! Sorry but you have pushed me to the wall and this is what you get for all you did to me.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 08:24:14 +0000

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