For this day 9/11 13 years ago today, ago,evil reigned over new - TopicsExpress


For this day 9/11 13 years ago today, ago,evil reigned over new york city.i almost decided not to post concerning the tragedy.but my spirit saw an opertunity to glorify our Lord.for in my heart,we need remembrence of the devastation and death,that occurred on that day.the evil some men possess,in the empty promises of a false god,claiming glory in insurrection,and redemption in death.for these souls,empty of compassion and understanding,and a belief in that ,which is not of God,eternal death awaits,without salvation.forgiveness for death cannot be obtained ,in the flesh.for the one forgiving,is will be taken before the Father,for His just and fair judgement.the souls that chose death in the act of murder,[the hijackers,],have their character fixed,in death.death of the body,and death of the spirit. Father in heaven,this day though dark in recall,has shown evidence of divine nature.the unification of americans,and christians all around the world,in the wake of this horriffic event,has left impact to this very day,as we collectively remember.Father i ask recognition of valor,for the ones who gave their lives,so that others might live,Fatheri ask imediate reception to your presence,for the innocent,Father i ask forgiveness,for the souls who knew you not,and i will recieve with joy,in the millinium,Jesuss 1000 year reign,the task of teaching those souls,as all your elect will,before the beast will be released for 1000 years,to tempt them into spiritual death.your will shall prevail.Father send peace,by understanding,and wisdom,to the hearts of family members who lost their loved ones,help them to understand,and forgive,the evil men do.allow them the memory of loved ones,in their final moments,before entering into glory.may it be a memory of divine peace ,and that not of grevious sorrow.for many,given to human emotion Father,this will be extremely difficult,lead them in heart,teach them in understanding,and deliver them in peace.Father,for all these things ,we are thankful and grateful,your gifts of enduring life,as we know it.give unto all this day,power,power of diffusion,to dissolve and blot out the evil that seeks to destroy us all.power to recognize and eradicate evil,in the power and might of the name of our one true Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ,thank you Father for the blood of your son,that washes that evil into everlasting nothingness,without any recognition of existence,ever,in your will and way,in the name of Jesus Christ,amen. Ezekiel 18:4 (King James Version) 4Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. He shall judge,He shall reward,or condemn,He shall lift up,or cast down,for His righteous judgements are of His glory and love for His children,live in that,forgive in that,and ,love in that ,i love each and everyone of you,in the name of Jesus Christ,amen. :)
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:24:52 +0000

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