For those of you who dont hunt... You might think that its just - TopicsExpress


For those of you who dont hunt... You might think that its just a matter of driving out into the woods, stepping out of a rig, stretching, and shooting some poor animal. Allow me to vent for a second, and this might dispel some myths about the nature of harvesting wild animals. This year I determined that I would redouble my efforts in order to ensure I got a deer. I spent days scouting during the preseason. No literally...DAYS. As in full 10 hour days walking around on trails, riding my mountain bike on logging roads, and often going back and forth between the two from dawn until dusk. I scouted 3 main areas, each area featuring several clear cuts or meadows that I thought were promising. One of the areas (my favorite) is literally 5 miles back on a logging road behind a locked gate. Part of the logging road is a gigantic hill that takes more than an hour to walk up in the morning. Im not exaggerating. In addition, since Im taking a mountain bike back to my hunting location, I also purchased a bike trailer for my gear. It isnt feasible to try and get everything on my back for a ride, and if I were to bag a deer I would have to have a method to get the animal (or at least the trophy parts and the boned-out meat) out of the woods. This means that between my backpack (with all necessary stuff inside), my gun, and my tree stand Im schlepping about 60-70 lbs of gear on a trailer behind my bike. It doesnt sound like much, but I guarantee you it makes an enormous difference when youre shoving it up a steep hill at 4:00 in the morning. Since the season began, Ive been out every weekend and more than a few weekday mornings. Ive sat in my tree stand for days at a time and taken miles-long hikes that take hours and hours because theyre slow and purposeful (so as not to spook deer that might have been in the area...but werent). Ive been up at 3:30 more times than I care to admit, and even sleeping in has meant 4:45 departures from my home. In short, Ive been in the woods more than Grizzly Adams lately. And I havent even seen a single deer. No Im not kidding. I have heard a few and spooked a couple out of nearby brush, but I have not laid eyes on a single deer while in the field. Not a doe, not a spike, not a forky. Nothing. The season is not over, and I fully intend to be back out there until my time has expired, but right now Im venting and hoping for two results: (1) Catharsis. Venting has no real purpose, but often makes us feel better regardless. And right now I sure could stand to feel better. Theres nothing worse than getting blanked after spending literally 150 hours working very hard at something you love. (2) Education. People that dont hunt often dont understand the amount of time, effort, money, and dedication that go into chasing game. And often the chase and the memories are all were left with. Im not conceding that last part just yet, but its always a reality despite best efforts.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:21:34 +0000

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