For those of you who dont know, Ive been writing this whole time. - TopicsExpress


For those of you who dont know, Ive been writing this whole time. Heres what I wrote today. It seems a little spooky and worth sharing. : Wednesday, October 30th, 2013 – Nashville TN For whatever the reason I would like to take this time to recant a very vivid lucid dream I had the night before last. As best as I can recall I was in some sort of Winnebago with a companion who was urging me to get onto the freeway, alas every turn I took put me in the opposing direction. Every time I turned around I happed further from a recognizable destination and at some point I decoded it was my duty to discern our direction, and at that moment I felt to be on my own solely. The last fragmented glimpse I had was of our vehicle driving up upon an off-ramp which had clearly been abandoned and unused due to the grass and weeds growing up between it’s cracks (as I’ve familiarly experienced before). When I awoke again it was in the back of a semi in the company of an older man and a woman not much older than myself who explained that they had found me in some type of tent/shelter, and had brought me along as they were unable to wake me. As I was attempting to grasp my surroundings we were already pulling to a stop at some sort of train station where people where hustling and bustling to clammer aboard. The only person I recall was a stout little man with an odd looking guitar case, much too stout to carry a guitar, and I remember the girl remarking, “He’s got a gun in there!”. My next glimpse was that of the train stopping and the three of us rushing out of the semi towards the train, as though they knew it would only stop for a moment, disconcerted with the rest of the passengers. I was following the girl, who had a translucent sack full of different types of bottled beverages slug over her shoulder. The train slowed to a halt as we chased after it, and as the doors slid open it appeared as if the cars were abandoned carnival rides or something akin to what one might expect at a mock carnival, save for there were gates that slid open allowing us to enter, and then promptly closing behind us, as if to protect us from the great unknown. I remember asking her for one of the drinks and being denied with the quote, “They’re for the children,” while I hungrily eyed the partially consumed beverage in her hand but said nothing. This scene ended as quick as it began. The next moment I was walking toward what may as well have been a double-wide trailer, and upon entering there was a woman singing in front of a makeshift crowd as if there was a stage, though there wasn’t one. For some reason I imagined these people as the washed up country singers from a world before, the only woman I distinctly remember being very soggy and shapeless in a velveteen fitted blouse much too old or tight for her age or fashion. She never looked towards me, but simply walked away towards what I imagined might be the restroom. Being aware that people were performing I made my mental bid that I ought to find a guitar and make my way on stage, so I began touring the room looking for someone who seemed friendly enough to lend one to me. The people I saw were all men, and all of them were listlessly sprawled about on couches, more dead than not. I began picking up and inspecting guitars as no one seemed to notice me, until one very old man rose from his trance and stared directly at me, smiling and trying to say something, but being unable to. I felt that I had picked up his guitar and showed it to him, and when I did he opened his mouth, to which I could only see rotting death. He smiled and laughed, then rested back, as if to say, “Go ahead, have it!” to which I turned back to the stage to see if anyone was watching. I could see nothing other than the empty trailer and the space the woman occupied when I entered the room. Feeling very out of place and alone, I decided to return the guitar and take a step outside. As I opened the door the woman who had been singing as I entered caught my eye and looked at me in dismay, so I said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” And then I woke up.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 04:35:57 +0000

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