For those of you who were not able to make it to the Chariot ride - TopicsExpress


For those of you who were not able to make it to the Chariot ride Bible study, here are the notes: Chariot ride bible study -Hebrews 4:12-13 -the bible is live and active -relevant for daily life -judges my life! -we cannot hide anything from God -2 Timothy 3:16-17 -everything in the word is relevant for daily life -Isaiah 2:1-3 - the mountain is talking about the kingdom of God -the kingdom of god will be bigger than any other kingdom - it will come out of Jerusalem -Daniel 2:31-45 -Daniel is a Jew, prophet - can interpret dreams -king Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and wanted someone to interpret it -roman kingdom-huge made up of many people... Mixture if people and divided... During that kingdom the mountain of The Lord will be established -something will happen during the Roman Empire... The kingdom of God will be established -Hebrews 1:1-14 -john1:1-14 -book of john is about Jesus life and ministry -in the beginning of time, there was the word of God -He was with God in the beginning (referencing Jesus) -vs.12 There is something about Jesus that is different -mark 1:14-20 -Jesus said the kingdom of God is near... He has some sort of knowledge and authority to tell people that Gods kingdom is coming -He wanted people to follow Him to prepare them for what was coming -He told them to repent and believe v.15 -repent- change your life and mind.. Have a paradine shift -wherever the rabbi went, the disciples followed -Luke 9:21-27 -v.23 If anyone or whoever wants... He isnt forcing anyone... Hes letting them chose - then it says he must do these things - deny themselves: refuse to acknowledge - life isnt about myself.. Dont acknowledge myself -carry cross: people went to the cross to die - I have to put my sins to death and carry my cross -john 13:34-35 -his followers should be known by their love for one another - if I want to be his disciple, I need to love people the way He loves me -Luke 11:1-4 -Jesus disciples wanted to learn how to pray - we need to have our own relationship with God - Jesus disciples wanted to learn how to pray and have a personal relationship with God -Matt.26:47- -Jesus arrested -Judas used to betray Jesus -Jesus had Judas with him for 3years.. Now Jesus is selling him out - Jesus referenced judas as his friend -during this time of year its the Passover festival -Jews tried Jesus and take him to court... If they subjected him to death they would be considered ceremonial unclean -john 2 -destroy this temple and Ill rebuild it in three days.. Jesus was talking about his body -Matt.27:11-26 -Jesus before pilot -Jesus sentences to death for a crime of saying he was the Son of God - it was controversial to some of the Jews - the roman governors job was to keep peace among the people... So he did what the people wanted -Matt.27:32-37 -they nailed Jesus to a cross -throughout the old treatment this is what was prophesies - ps .22 and Isaiah 53 were prophesies about Jesus dying on the cross -Matt.27:45-56 -Elijah was a prophet who died -Jesus is on the cross asking why God forsaken him... The lights went and and there was an earthquake -9am and pitch black -Matt.28:1-10 -after Jesus died and resurrected -Jesus appeared to the women and they were filled with joy and ran to tell the other disciples -Matt.28:16-20 - the great commission -Matthews account when Jesus appeared to his disciples -Luke 24:45-49 -repentance for the forgiveness of sins -Lukes account when Jesus appeared to his disciples -when Jesus taught he didnt just want to give them information.. He wanted transformation! How can I get closer to God -acts 1:1-11 -picks up where Luke left off -Holy Spirit coming -acts 2:1-41 -the Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost -fire rested on their head - Jesus said you will be clothes from power from on high -peter told the crowd about who Jesus is... He is the son of God -He told the people that they killed them... Jesus died because of mans sins.. We all sinned -Some never heard of Jesus... But all sinned so we all take part in his death -They were cut to the heart and Peter told them to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins so that they could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit - the book of Hebrew talks about how the Holy Spirit was behind the curtain - when Jesus died, the vail of the curtain was torn -God has poured out his spirit and Peter tells us that we can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit through repentance and baptism - repent and be baptized - the first sermon preached after Jesus -Galatians 5:19-21 - warning -those who live like this will NOT inherit the kingdom of God -we have to fight these things - we cannot live sinful lives and inherit the kingdom of God -James 4:17 -if we know the good we ought to do and we dont do it... We sin against God -what is repentance ? Peter preached repentance -2 Corinthians 7:8-11 -without repentance there is no forgiveness... Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins -earnestness.. Have a conviction about what is righteous -eagerness... Not scared to show who I am - indignation... Seriousness -alarm... Warning -longing... Desire to do what is right -concern.. A humility a softness of heart -readiness to see justice done... I have done everything to make things right... Forgive and confess -acts 26:20 -Paul also preached repentance -repentance restores relationships and your life - Paul says prove your repentance by your deeds -1 Peter 2:9-10 - Peter is saying that people are called out of darkness and into the light - there is no gray area - we are either in the light or dark - in the light... Chosen, royal, holy, etc... See scripture - Isaiah 59:1-2 - Isaiah is saying God is capable of saving anyone -my sins separate me from God -God is there but our sins put this wall up -Matt.26:27 -just stopping sin.. We cannot save ourselves... That doesnt change the fact that we sinned - Jesus blood atones for my sins.. His blood forgives me -Acts 2:38 - repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit -Romans 6:1-11 -baptize: immersion -Paul wrote this letter to people after Jesus died - baptism is a spiritual death (v.3) -what is baptism? A participation in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ Jesus - if there is no repentance there is no baptism - when we get baptized we die with Christ - Christ took all the flogging and beating on so that we could live a new life in Him -Colossians 2:11-12 -this is Not something WE do but something that God does -john 3:3-7 -born again of water and the spirit - the theft on the cross was still under the old covenant.. Christ had not died and rose again -there is no forgiveness of sins unless there is shedding of blood... Jesus shed his blood under the new covenant... Under the old covenant it was impossible for the blood of animals to forgive sins -Acts 8:26-40 -Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch -Matt- sermon of the mount- ask, seek, knock - eunuch was reading Isaiah - Philip started talking about Jesus -there was water in the desert! Why? We need it! -the eunuch asked to have the scriptures be explained to him... Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened -the Ethiopian did not wait to get baptized -the eunuch rejoiced! He knew he had found the light!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:14:12 +0000

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