For those who are interested.... Atlantis was the last great - TopicsExpress


For those who are interested.... Atlantis was the last great civilisation before humanity fell... At the time of Atlantis there were several hundred thousand people on the earth... Earth had very clear energy fields and the Atlanteans were futher developed in psychic techniques than what we are... They had an intimate knowledge of the earths energy fields, were knowledgeable in advanced meditation techniques and were fluent in the language of light.... Atlantis fell because of meddling from negative forces (internal and from off planet) many masters left the continent and headed to several points around the globe to impart their knowledge... The main culture to be influenced by Atlanteans was egypt... A lot of the mystery schools of Atlantis flourished in Egypt... Thoth was an old atlantean ascended master that returned to Egypt to help society..( he brought writing to humanity) amongst other things..Thoth was from the Orion star system, somewhat of a scientist..... Make sense now that the 3 giza pyramids line up with orions belt? If you keep an open mind and heart you will see that humanity is connected to different dimensions and races from off planet... The pyramids are a dimensionsal doorway through to Orion.... The tombs were not tombs, they were for initiates to astral travel out of their body and to connect with orion (orion is one of the main gateways between different worlds and dimensions in our milkyway) the pyramids were to lock in higher vibrations onto/into the earths grid lines, kind of like a conducter of higher frequencies.. But like all of this information it is encoded in "light" it is accessible by going into theta states, (meditation/dream state)... The universe is mere thought made manifest... What are our thoughts? They are internal electromagnetic impulses that spand space and time.... To understand your true nature is to peer through physicality... Ie go into the dream state and peer through the veil... People of logic will always deny and argue spirituality because they rarely access this state, prefering to remain in the building blocks of physicality, the world of cause and effect, consciously cut off from all the secrets of the universe...
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 23:56:16 +0000

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