For years and years Humanity has lived in an existence absent of - TopicsExpress


For years and years Humanity has lived in an existence absent of Balanced Community, the ways of our Ancestors laid dormant within the soil of Mother Earth. Global Society was governed by what we have referred to as the 1 %, whom built the infrastructure of illusion on a Patriarchal template. They infiltrated our Core being and diluted Humanity in thinking that they know what is best for us, they dictated to us what our self-worth was and the game we needed to play in order to survive, while they reaped all the benefits from the sweat and blood of our very backs. NOW is the time to really look around YOU, the time to stop denying the changes are upon us, for the changes occurring now are so surmountable, the very infrastructure that has existed on this planet for eons is crumbling. Many of you have been privy to these accountings as well as been made aware that the endgame is imminent. The Domino effect is in full motion, Humanity has had enough, and thus the walls are indeed crumbling and falling down. Truth Disclosure is at hand and it is becoming extremely translucent that our local/global governments have not held the power at all, that behind the scenes were very powerful entities pulling the strings. When the existing illusion crashes, Humanity must sustain life, many will need to unite in order to survive. WE must UNITE, and on the foundation of LOVE, BALANCE, TRUTH AND EQUALALITY, start building communities. Each of us has a role to play in the New Paradigm, and each of us understands that our Mother Earth gives of herself abundantly to those who LOVE AND RESPECT her. Our Beautiful Mother who embodies the energy of Prime Creator Source, the dynamic Divine Feminine has returned to this planet. This planet shall be restored to its original pristine creative state, however OUR Mother cannot do this alone, or we will just end up where we have been. In each of YOU lies a Divine Cord calling you to awaken to these beautiful loving feminine energies, I ask in the ONENESS, to heed the call, the time is NOW, as WE are to do nothing but LIVE IN THE NOW. This is a call for all hands on deck, all those that have wisdoms in building eco-friendly off the grid communities, from soup to nuts and all the bolts, please share your wisdoms so that we may all learn from one another. We are all Co Creators as we Shape the New Paradigm. In ONELOVE Gina Hansen-Cramer Shaping a New Paradigm
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 15:29:44 +0000

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