For your friends and family in the Philippines. I wish I am there - TopicsExpress


For your friends and family in the Philippines. I wish I am there to attend. Soulfood for Sept 16:8 Power Habits That Will Change Your Financial Life Forever Hi, This is Bo; I know it’s a Monday, so I should send you my usual Soulfood Letter. But I MUST send my invitation to you again. I don’t want you to miss this brand new seminar I’m giving on October 5. Because I know it will transform your financial life. Join me and make it happen; See you! Blessings, Bo 8 Power Habits That Will Change Your Financial Life Forever Join Me at The HABITS OF THE HAPPY MILLIONAIRE Seminar On October 5, 8am to 12noon, in Quezon City! Do you feel stuck in your financial life? Like nothing is happening with your income? Do you sometimes feel like you’ll never become rich? Hey, I can relate. For 20+ years, I was a poor missionary. Don’t get me wrong. I was very happy. I didn’t care about money. Of course, it helped that I was single! But when I got married at the age of 32, I knew things had to change. Drastically. Or I’ll be in trouble. So I wondered if it were possible for me to become wealthy—not only for the sake of my new family—but for the sake of all those I wanted to help through my ministry. At that point, I really felt God guiding me. He helped me by leading to me a special group of people… And my life—and finances—were never the same again. I Met Phenomenal Human Beings I got to meet authentically wealthy people. Why authentic? They were not just rich in money. They were rich in love. They were phenomenal human beings. They were generous. They were kind. They loved their employees like they were family. And these multi-millionaires tithed to God faithfully. I was floored. I told myself, “What made these people wealthy? And HOW did they become this way?” I got excited because I learned that once upon a time, they were poor like me too. But they got out of poverty and became multimillionaires. So I watched them. I listened to them. I talked to them. I asked them to be my mentors. Do you know the biggest difference between them and poor people who remain poor? Do you know why these individuals became wealthy? They had a different set of habits! Your Habits Define Your Destiny I learned their habits. And I’ve incorporated these powerful habits into my life. The results have been nothing but amazing: From a poor missionary, I’m now a millionaire missionary. I now run many businesses, but using only 30% of my time. Because all of them run on autopilot. I still devote 70% of my time to my ministry. And yes, I’m still a very happy person—still serving God and giving my life to others. And honestly, even if I am a millionaire, I don’t look like a millionaire. And I like it that way. I still live in a small, simple house. I don’t wear designer watches. Heck, I don’t even wear a watch. I just look up at the sun and guess. (Just kidding.) Why the simple lifestyle? I’ve gotten used to it. And because my priorities are on more important things. I invest much of my earnings into God’s work. Because this was the reason why I became rich—To be a blessing to others. Friend, do you want to be a happy millionaire too? It’s possible; But you’ve got to do one thing… You Can Choose To Be Wealthy Too Hear me out: I believe wealth is a choice. It’s a decision that you have to make. If you choose to be a Happy Millionaire, then the answer lies in acquiring a set of specific habits. To be exact, 8 of them. I’ve “road tested” these 8 habits in my life. They work. I’d like to share these powerful Habits to you… You don’t have to be poor. You don’t have to panic every time there are bills to be paid. You don’t have to be buried under a mountain of debt. You don’t have to worry where to get money for emergencies. You don’t have to struggle with money anymore. You can have financial freedom. You can be wealthy. But you can be wealthy and happy at the same time. Learn The 8 Habits Of The Happy Millionaire I’d like to personally invite you to join me in my powerful seminar, 8 Habits Of The Happy Millionaire. When you acquire these habits, you’ll find that wealth creation becomes automatic. Spontaneous. Systematic. Effortless. And Fun! Join me on October 5, from 8am to 12noon, at Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City. Here’s what you’ll learn from this life-changing seminar: 1.You’ll learn how to clearly define the financial wealth you want—choosing between three distinct options. Without being very clear about this, you’ll have a hard time moving towards your dream. 2.You’ll discover your hunger—your emotional why. Without this defined inner fuel, your financial engine will always run on empty. And you’ll always get stuck in the middle of the road of life, like many people out there who started their journeys but don’t finish. 3.You’ll create your own personal “automatic” Wealth Beliefs, the anchors that will support your wealth journey—and at the same breath, eradicate Unconscious False Beliefs that have hampered your growth towards abundance. 4.You’ll learn the 7 Laws of Aggressiveness that will make you a success. You’ll also learn the cultural blocks that rob you of your passion—and how you can overcome them. 5.You’ll work on the two kinds of Money Machines in your life. 6.You’ll learn the 4 Steps to Control your Cash—one of the most important skills of becoming wealthy. 7.You’ll find the 4 simple Keys To “Play Your Way To Wealth”! Join me. Change your financial life forever. Invest In Your Personal Growth I urge you to invest in YOURSELF. When I gave my financial seminars to companies, I charged them P8000+ per person. But I don’t want to do that for this seminar, because I want to help more people. To join my 8 Habits Of The Happy Millionaire Seminar, your learning investment is P1475 ONLY. But here’s good news: If you sign up before September 25, you get it at the early bird price of P1275 ONLY. (NOTE: VIP Tickets are available. VIP participants enjoy VIP seats at the front section, PLUS the official TrulyRichClub shirt PLUS an autographed book, 8 Habits Of The Happy Millionaire. VIP Tickets are at P1975 ONLY.) Complete 100% Happiness Guarantee In any of our Seminars, we always offer this 100% iron-clad guarantee. For whatever reason you didn’t like our Seminar, just tell us, and we’ll return 100% of your seminar fee, no ifs, no buts, questions asked. We don’t want you to risk anything. The risk is all on us. Why do we offer this? We’re convinced that you’ll be totally blessed with our Seminar. Warning: Many times in the past, our seminars get over-booked. I suggest that if you’re serious in learning how to become wealthy, sign up right away. Email Meann at beaconlightevents+seminar@gmail now! (If you wish VIP seats, please indicate this choice.) May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez PS. By September 25, Prices Go Up. To sign up, email Meann at beaconlightevents+seminar@gmail now! (If you want VIP Tickets, please indicate this choice.) PS2. Choose To Be Wealthy Today. I’m going to teach you the secrets of the wealthy. To sign up, email Meann at beaconlightevents+seminar@gmail now! (If you want VIP Tickets, please indicate this choice.)
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 11:26:19 +0000

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