Forest Lyon 7245 Chicago Ave, Richfield, MN 55432 - TopicsExpress


Forest Lyon 7245 Chicago Ave, Richfield, MN 55432 forestlyon@gmail 763.843.6830 Summary: I was raised as an only child by my mother and grew up traveling the East half of the US, being born in Midwest and where Ive primarily resided for the last 10 years. There was always work and constant change, but that was just part of life and it instilled adaptability and self-discipline. Boredom wasnt something I complained about because there was always something productive to accomplish with the right imagination, otherwise chores would be assigned to me. All in all it matured me into a man who knows how take care of his duties and elaborate on the spot should the need arrive. Communication is also imperative in my view, since without it Id be able to get nothing done on my own. That being said my greatest qualities which I know will benefit any work environment that should accept me would be my creativity, self-discipline, benevolent talkative attitude and underlying will to make a paradise on Earth. Work Experience: 3/12/13- 9/20/13 The Chopping Block took me on as a dish/bus boy, all the while filling my time with indirect culinary knowledge. On occasion I would be tasked with preparations from setting dining & cooking stations to eventual food prep, or assisting larger classes to aid communication and keep everyone on the same page. Janitorial work was also a frequent part of my duties. They preached of an importance in the bonding that transpires throughout the experience of cooking that brings communities together. A way of slowing the days pace to focus on those around you and what is going into you. During my time there I was employed under Carrie. 4747 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL (773) 472-6700 5/25/11-8/20/11, 6/4/12-8/20/12 Little Caesar’s was filled with hot unyielding days, my job was to work the busy street corner with a goofy sign and attract people to eat pizza. It was in those heated hours that I learned to dance freely and clown around in attempt to hype others with my absolute foolishness. Over all it really embraced ability to not only stand outside my comfort zone but to dominate with sheer silliness and an upbeat attitude. While there I was employed under Konny. 20 W. 66th Street Richfield, MN 55423, (612) 294-3691 1/1/2010-4/1/2011 1/10/08-4/15/11 Before all of my regular employment, the Minnesota Kali group over on 4532 Chicago Avenue S was my fulltime job. After a year of dedication they brought me onto their staff so I could reduce my payments in exchange for being a clerk once a week and assist instructors whenever in class. Stationed at the entrance it was my job to flood anyone that past with enthusiasm and direction. It was simple seeing how I was passionate about what they taught. Whether it be sales, facility tours, or showing them the right person to teach them, I did it. Besides that I took it upon myself to clean and maintain the environment in any way I could. Diana Rathborne was my manager at that time. (612)-821-6800 Education: G.E.D. 01/2011 Most of my time in school was spent either sleeping or shooting shit with teachers, and they loved it! No really, all my studying was done on my own since class pace was not a good fit for me. I continued public school half way through my sophomore year, taking time to simply enjoy the environment. Once I got my fill I easily obtained my GED and continued studying at libraries. It was during the age of 16 that I integrated into controlling my life, hardly being home or relying on my parents. Seeing how my resume goes into a second page anyway, I might as well include a cover letter! Allow me rebegin, my name is Forest Glas Lyon and it means something. Forest pertaining to myself as all life and Lyon the guardian or king as you sees it. Translated Glas, is a Gaelic word for green, the color of Love. Though I wasn’t planned by my parents, I was raised with a purpose, which was being able to uphold all life with unconditional Love. It’s taken me many years of growing to actually transcend this path due to my own cunning. Having always been smart I was convinced by 13 that I knew everything. Over time I realized the darkness of that path as my life unraveled at the seams. As my body broke while losing my mind, I was left with my soul crushed. For someone 20 years young I’ve delved shockingly deep into the understanding of things beyond what you could be taught at any public school. It was because I rushed and probably won’t live as long because of it. However paying with those years of abuse brought me into connection to anyone lost or suffering. Though I still don’t’ possess the skills to help everyone, I have to mind set to learn whatever I can and the will to use it to make a better world from the bottom to the top. Besides the strong characteristics I’ve built, skills in writing and martial arts have always enthralled me. Having read and watched such beautifully powerful motions I have always been set on expanding my creative abilities. That being said I am an outstanding writer, dancer, and fighter. Beyond that I have knowledge in many fields, allowing me to pick up most fields of work rapidly should the skills required fall outside my listed range. All that being said I am seeking not just a job, but one with a company that values and fully utilizes myself, as well as being an entity who’s ideas I can stand beyond. The goals I wish to stand beyond are those which are positive for every human along with all of nature, a group that keeps on eye on detail and considers the worldly contributions before profit. The pay I receive must both stimulate my sense admiration for the company as well as fund my lifestyle of education and growth.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 23:16:36 +0000

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