Forgive me this is long but I think it is important, if only to me - TopicsExpress


Forgive me this is long but I think it is important, if only to me and a couple of others - The question is, What would I do if I were in Government and had power to Make Change Happen? Here, ‘some people’ have had it too easy for too long and now when Change is needed, ‘Many’ want to jump on the Bandwagon of easy snipes, F words et al and tell all what they are not going to do. “Sadly,” so very few have come up with alternatives other than the Negativity. It is true to say that the Current and previous States have got it Spectacularly ‘WRONG’ on so many levels. From massive over spends through complete Negligence and losing Millions to a Scam and hiding what people have every right to know. The current States appear to have totally Misjudged the temperature of what is happening here and the depth of feeling amongst the populous. All of that and more, in my book still does not justify the personal attacks on people in Government. If it is a Revolution you want, then Make the Senior Civil Servants accountable as they Hold and Wield the real power in the Bailiwick. The average Joe/Jo Le Poidevin is the one who is struggling on so many spheres, from Housing, to Employment and Business progress/sustainability. LVCR was not ruined by the Growers but by the Greed of a select few, who exploited the Loophole in the law and then brought down the entire relief for everyone. Those who constantly Slagg off the Finance Industry could very well help cause the demise of this industry as the more Hostility that is vented towards this industry, the less business will want to locate here. So what are my positives and what would I do as a Change and means to Help the Bailiwick and Improve the Lifestyles of each and every Islander? • In the short term, I would start utilizing the resources we have on island. Pee and Poo could be used to Make Gas, to burn to turn turbines, to create electricity. • I would purchase some of the Liquid Metal Batteries and start putting all that Solar Energy to use. • I would make each and every new build have the highest possible R values for Insulation including refurbishment, change of use - even extensions. All properties would have a Solar Plan as part of that same permission • I would create Solar Arrays atop all States owned buildings and all Finance Industry buildings • I would purchase, Plastic to energy recovery machines (available off the shelf) which would return virtually All Plastics to oil (including the Black Plastic and film that we have to throw away at present) which could in turn be used either to power the Electricity grid at peak times or fuel for Essential vehicles. • I would take all waste wood and turn it into Pelletts and distribute to people on low income, States homes, Hospital etc • I would make the Tax rate 22p in the pound to pay for ‘Necessary’ capitol projects, with an undertaking to return to 20p rate within a given time frame. • I would make all Builders separate and grade their waste or make them pay punitively for the luxury of having others do this for them. • I would introduce ‘Workfare’. No person Unemployed would be able to have cash as part of being unemployed. Vouchers would not be issued. Electricity and all other essential services would be covered by the State including food. All of this would be provided but each and every person ‘Who can work’ for whatever length of time, would be required to take responsibility for this through some form of community workfare scheme. Anything from helping keep the Bailiwick clean and tidy, to carrying out tasks like for example helping out other people in the area. • All food waste too would be collected and used to create Bio Mass Bio Gas • I would make every Business ‘Importing’ into the Island ensure that everything they bring can either be fully recycled or returned to its previous state such as the Plastic to Oil recovery system • I would do the research to see that every child who can walks to school and is supervised and that in Narrow roads Pedestrians have Full Priority over vehicles at all times. Where there is need, Children could hop any bus to get to school if they live a Given distance from school. • I would find a way to work with the Taxi Federation to see if it is possible to have double the current level of Taxis operating so that people can no longer complain there are not enough Taxis. At present there are over 350 PSV licenses but in reality only 150 or less Drivers actually available. (Caveat to this) - I forgot to add that I would get rid of the majority of the Green Buses and use the Taxis to cover the School transport at a Set Rate. Thereby, Taxi drivers would be running all the time. Thank you for the kind wishes towards being a Deputy but I happen to believe, I am much better as an Agent Provocateur Warmly Aindre • Further to this - I would make the Job or becoming a Taxi Driver the same as a Bus Driver so they could learn on the job. • I would look at getting more people employed and make less reliance on tasks so more people are working and contributing to the community through taxes so less reliance on the ‘SS’. • I would make Water a ‘Right’ not a commodity. With that there would have to be a strong degree of Social Responsibility not to waste. • I would ‘Over Time’ reinstate all the Derelict Green houses so we are self sufficient for at least four months of the year This is just a start – So the Question now is - What would you do Positively to help Change your community for the betterment of all? BBC Radio Guernsey
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 08:03:29 +0000

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