Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s late son, Fidel’s widow, - TopicsExpress


Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s late son, Fidel’s widow, Lwam, is in a complex position after it became clear that she must be inherited as dictates the Luo customs and culture. The beautiful Eritrean lady is now sandwiched between the outdated Luo customs and traditions in order to preserve the sanctity of her marriage to Fidel as well as continue his lineage because anything contrary to that would spell doom for her and the Odinga family. The idea of inheritance was already endorsed by the CORD leader himself last weekend during the burial of Fidel Odinga in Bondo, where he asked Lwam not to think of going back to Eritrea, but to stay because his family and tribesmen would be able to fit into Fidel’s shoes in taking care of her and the kid. His remark was shared by his wife, Ida Odinga, who spelt out the qualities of the ideal man that will be allowed to inherit Fidel’s wife. According to Ida, the man who will be allowed to inherit Lwam, be it from the family or otherwise, must be good looking and well behaved like Fidel, and must be able to treat Lwam like a princess or queen the way Fidel used to. Raila’s wife further emphasized that Lwam’s would-be-husband must have money and be generous with admirable qualities like Fidel, as well as be someone who can make friendship across the political and ethnic divide like her late son. According to the Luo culture, a widow is inherited by a member of the husband’s family, mostly a brother or sibling, but outsiders are also allowed.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 12:02:31 +0000

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