Former VP Cheney admitted today what some Americans have known for - TopicsExpress


Former VP Cheney admitted today what some Americans have known for a long time. When Pres. Bush was in office, republicans didnt worry about paying for any of their policies. In fact, at the time, Cheney said, Deficits dont matter. They just borrowed more money. Medicare Part D wasnt paid for, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq werent paid for, and the tax cuts werent paid for. Every reputable economist cites these as the major causes for our high deficit. When Pres. Obama entered office was when republicans went on the offensive and began to blame him for our high deficit. Theyve been lying all along. In 2010, democrats passed Pay-GO which means that every piece of legislation has to be paid for (has to contain a funding mechanism.) When some republicans claim that the Affordable care Act adds to the deficit, theyre lying. The ACA adds NOTHING to the deficit because the means to pay for it are contained within the law. PoliticusUSA:“But how were the programs paid for?” CNN wondered. Cheney hemmed and hawed his away around but the bottom line is it was not paid for. He claimed they tried to pay for it but mean people would not let them take away Social Security, so, “We were totally unsuccessful,” Cheney admitted to Tapper.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:42:04 +0000

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