Found something today by Joyce Meyer that I thought would be - TopicsExpress


Found something today by Joyce Meyer that I thought would be helpful to basically ANYONE... One of the most difficult times to discipline our minds, mouths, moods, and attitudes is in the midst of the storm. This is the period between hearing GODs promise initially and then actually inheriting it. Remember Mark 4:35 when while in a boat Jesus slept thru a raging storm and how HE handled HIS circumstances. When we find ourselves in the middle of trials, we need to not try to just look at where we are and what is happening at the moment. Instead, we need to see ourselves and our circumstances through the eye of FAITH. Dont become so overwhelmed by circumstances that SCREAM we are never going to SEE it come to pass. BELIEVE in your mind & heart and confess with your mouth that you will make it to the other side of the storm because that is where the LORD is leading you. A trial is difficult enough, but we add insult to injury by depressing ourselves through negative thoughts and speech. When we complain about our present circumstance, we remain in it. But when we praise HIM in the difficulty, HE raises us out of it. No matter what you FEEL, no matter how much others try to discourage you, keep SAYING JESUS is the SOLUTION. Your FAITH will be released thru your WORDS & FAITH. Purpose your MOUTH to NOT transgress. Pray for strength to limit your words or keep silent altogether. Let the words of your mouth be acceptable in HIS sight. HE IS YOUR SOLUTION.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:39:17 +0000

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