Four New Commissioners, Special Adviser Sworn Into Office In Akwa - TopicsExpress


Four New Commissioners, Special Adviser Sworn Into Office In Akwa Ibom Governor Godswill Akpabio has warned new Commissioners and a Special Adviser in the State to derobe themselves of the fanciful idea of power and influence, but join hands in building a state that will create conditions and opportunities for Akwa Ibom persons to fulfill their aspirations. Chief Akpabio who gave the warning Thursday after swearing in four Commissioners, a Special Adviser and Chairman, Akwa Ibom House of Assembly Service Commission at the new Governor’s Office, Uyo, said ”We have reached a critical point in our journey as a people. We have built a state in the last six years, which exceeds the dreams and expectations of our forefathers. We have done this by the application of the Akwa Ibom virtues of industry, integrity and diligence. In doing, this we have built a momentum for development which is exacting and demands sacrifices from those of us who are the custodians of public trust. ”Let me use this occasion to pay tribute to all those who served in the last Executive Council. The good people of this state owe you a debt of gratitude for all your contributions to the development of our state. Your contributions to the uncommon transformation of our state shall remain indelible in the annals of our history; and when posterity shall look back at this time of our history, they would surely remember that you were part of our historic team”, the Governor stated. According to him, ‘To those of you whose services would no more be rendered on a cabinet platform, I wish you well in all your future endeavours and hope you will continue in the path of service to our state and humanity in your different fields of endeavor. Take pride that you were able to contribute to the building of a cohesive and progressive state founded on the principles of meritocracy, social justice and compassion. ”To those who are joining us today, whether as new members of this cabinet or returning members, we extend our hand of fellowship to you, but with the caveat that to whom much is given much is expected. As our Lord Jesus Christ said, he who puts his hand to the plough and turns back is not worthy, and any one who puts his hand to the work of our state and turns back for his own personal comfort or aggrandizement, is not worthy of being in this cabinet”, he noted. Akpabio pointed out ”If you came with fancy ideas of power and influence, I warn you that the principles of our administration are founded on loyalty, dedication, integrity, service and humility. With these attributes, we expect you to join hands with us to keep building an Akwa Ibom State that will create conditions and opportunities for all Akwa Ibom persons to fulfill their aspirations. The Governor remarked ”If you are a politician, remember that as from today you have disembarked from the boat of politics and joined the ship of statesmanship. You are not the Commissioner or Special Adviser of your political party or your community, you are to serve the interests of all Akwa Ibom people in line with the sacred oath of office which you have sworn to today. You represent a state where diversity is our strength, and where the common good supersedes regional, personal and tribal interests. ”We have come a long way from where we met the state in 2007. We have moved our state from the fringes of our national life to the epicenter of national acclaim. The uncommon transformation of our state was made possible by uncommon devotion to duty, uncommon self-sacrifice and uncommon work ethic by everyone in government. Let us build on this foundation and consolidate on our gains in the two years still left for us to bear the burden of our people’s expectation. ”I expect you to work with your respective permanent secretaries and the staff of your ministries or bureaus (as the case may be) in discharging your duties. If you think that with this appointment you have entered into rest, let tell you, with regret, that you are mistaken. In this job, you will be expected to work around the clock. That is how we succeeded in building the landmark infrastructure, which have been incorporated into the folklores and legends of our country”, he submitted. Akpabio urged the Commissioners, Special Adviser and the Chairman of the Assembly Service Commission to deepen their sense of common purpose and commitment to the Akwa Ibom story. Join us to make Akwa Ibom a haven and citadel of peace and development in our country. Let us work together to make our state a place of love, a blessed home, and a source of pride to our children. The new commissioners sworn in are Engr. Iboro Ekanem, immediate past Chairman of Akwa Ibom Rural Water and Sanitation Agency; Dr. Glory Emmanuel Edet, former lecturer of Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Uyo; Prof. Atim Bassey Antai, former Dean off Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Calabar; Dr. Emem Abasi Bassey former Chief Consultant, University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Uyo while Akparawa Godwin Ntuk Udeh, a one-time International President of Mboho Mkparawa Ibibio. ”To the Chairman of Akwa Ibom House of Assembly Service Commission, I extend to him the warm congratulations of the government and the good people of our state. We have a very cordial relationship with the legislature and we expect him to do his best to strengthen that relationship”, he advised. The Chairman is Obong Cornel T. Udoh, former Chief of Staff to Governor Godswill Akpabio and a retired Permanent Secretary.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:49:45 +0000

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