Fourteen years ago today, Mac and I were given Samuel! It had - TopicsExpress


Fourteen years ago today, Mac and I were given Samuel! It had been a long road for us, as we experienced a miscarriage early on in our marriage, followed by 8 years of unexplained infertility and lots of procedures. (Thank you Robin Zeiders for administering all of those shots). Doctors finally told us it would never happen. I prayed to either have a baby or to have the desire for one taken away. And then (about a year later) there was Sam! God is so faithful! Everything about Sam is an adventure. After being in labor ALL DAY, we were rushed in for an emergency c-section. Sam had a knot tied in his cord and the cord was wrapped around his neck – TWICE!! We didn’t know for several minutes whether he was a boy or a girl because they were having to bag him to get him to breathe. His apgar scores were 0 & 1’s. It was a scary for a few minutes. He weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and was perfect. We named him Samuel Albert (Albert after my dad). Samuel was a favorite name of Mac’s, but it means “Gift of God”. Sam has tons of energy and wants to be involved in EVERYTHING. From playing football, basketball, baseball (his fave), track and golf to participating in FFA Activities to drumline…he is constantly on the go. He is a leader both on and off the field! His Christian faith is very important to him and it makes my heart soar when I go in his room at night and see him laying in bed reading his Bible. He has lots of plans for his future! And even though this mama doesn’t like him getting older every year, I also realize that Sam was born with a specific purpose that really doesn’t have anything to do with me and everything to do with serving God and discovering his purpose through Him. We have no doubt he will continue to do great things and can’t wait to see what the future holds for him. Happy, happy birthday Sam! We love you! “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus”. Philippians 1:6 #forthischildiprayed Sam McGlathery
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 14:11:12 +0000

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