Fri night: Good old Friday, Kids, Family, and friends. For today - TopicsExpress


Fri night: Good old Friday, Kids, Family, and friends. For today i spent the better part of my day in the Doc office. Ill tell you how it went. Got in and redgistered, wasnt long until got called to go in. They did my work up and ask me would I mind going back to the waiting room. This was 10:30 am. I visited with ever lady I could hear, and some I couldnt. lol Then after some time got called and went into a room. I waited and waited for Doc to come in and finally just went to sleep setting in my Dont know how long I slept but the nurse came in and woke me, with the Doc rite behind her.Dont know what they thought, but was afraid it was going to look bad, like I didnt need a sleeping med. lOl.The mane thing on my list, besides getting blood work report from last visit, and new blood work. was to get sleeping med. All turned out good and she did give me a sleep med. Hope it works. Bill built the first fire in the Insert this eve sence it turned pretty cool after sun down. He cut the AC off all except the fan. He has cut so much wood he was looking forward to building a fire I think. I have been trying to get my printer and scanner back to working, but so far havent. I made a neat video of one of the bee hives working on this fall honey flow. Tryed for 20 min. to up load it but couldnt so will try it again later. Mean while the sleeping pill is kicking in and Janie is worrying me to death for a brushing so will close. Nite all and sweet dreams. Love to all Granny B.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 06:56:29 +0000

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